Organic food is the cheapest food in earth. Dont believe me? - TopicsExpress


Organic food is the cheapest food in earth. Dont believe me? While you might pay more for organic food at the register, you actually pay for conventionally (chemically) grown and genetically-modified food products the following FIVE TIMES (from the article): (1) The first payment you make for is at the supermarket; I call that the down payment. (2) The second payment is at tax time, and it costs the same as the first one. Eighty percent of our food is processed food. Processed food is corn, cotton, soy, canola, rice, wheat, and sugar. They eat up 98 percent of all the subsidies. Those subsidies are paid for on tax day. (3) The third time you pay for it is when you go to the doctor. In the last 20 years, an average of 60 million people have gotten food-borne illness in this country. About 200,000 over that 20-year period have gone to the hospital. As soon as you go to the hospital, prices soar. (4) The fourth payment is the illnesses that you get from it. Heart disease, diabetes, stroke, cancer, obesity – all of those are food-borne illnesses. Its what you eat that is making you sick. (5) The fifth thing is: whos going to clean up that farmland when the [factory] farmer leaves? Those guys are going to go bankrupt as soon as you tell them to clean it up... so were to have to pay for it. Read the rest here ---> Pin it ---> pinterest/pin/181340322470954778/
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 22:40:01 +0000

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