Origin of Navroz and Ismailism Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an - TopicsExpress


Origin of Navroz and Ismailism Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular author, He has written many books on history and culture of Islam and Ismailism, Origin of Navroz and Ismailism is taken from his popular book Encyclopedia of Ismailism, must read about Other Ismaili Occasions, Ismaili Imams, Ismaili history, culture and Tradition. Navroz is a Persian word, meaning new day of the year. The Arabs pronounced it as Niruz or Nairuz. The Sogdians called it Nau-Sard (the new year), and also is called Nishat Afroz Jashan in Iran. It is a spring festival, beginning with the first day of the Persian solar year, corresponding to the vernal equinox and the entry of the sun into the sign of Aries, and continued until the 6th day of the month. The last day was known as the Great New Years Day (al-Niruz al-Akbar). On the day of Navroz the sun completes its cycle of passing through all the Celestial Stations which are twelve in number, and enters the first one which is known as haml. A celestial station is known in Arabic as buruj. The names of the twelve celestial stations through which the celestial bodies (the planets) annually pass are given below along with the Zodiac signs:- 1. Haml - Ram - Aries 31 days 2. Thaur - Bull - Taurus. 31 days 3. Jauz - Twins - Cemini. 31 days 4. Sarthan - Crab - Cancer. 31 days 5. Asad - Lion - Leo. 31 days 6. Sumbula - Virgin - Virgo. 31 days 7. Mizan - Balance - Libra. 30 days 8. Aqrab - Scorpion - Scorpio. 30 days 9. Quas - Archer - Sagittarius. 30 days 10.Jadi - Goat - Capricorn. 30 days 11.Dalv - Water-bearer - Aquarius 30 days 12.Huth - Fishes - Pisces. 29¼ days The days when the sun completes its stay in the last celestial station, i.e. huth and enters the first celestial station, i.e. haml, this day falls on 21st March, and is known as Navroz. The Koran says: Factually the number of months in the eyes of God, in the Book of God from the day He created the earth and the heaven, are twelve. (9:36) The astrologers and astronomers have divided the year into twelve parts, taking into account the movement of the earth and the sun and each such part is known as the celestial station. After the entry of the sun in the celestial station (haml), it passes through all the other stations mentioned above and also the durations as stated above. It takes the sun 365 days and nights, 5 hours, 28 minutes and 50 seconds to complete the full circuit and to return to the celestial station (haml). This entry of the sun is known as the Tahweel-e-Shams (Suns entry). The first day of the suns entry in the celestial station (haml) falls on 21st March, and is a new years day and is Eid-e-Navroz. Considerable importance is attached to this day, for it was on this day that the sun shone brightly from the celestial station (haml). On this day, God created the earth, the universe, the cold winds started to blow, and the earth became fertile to bear trees, vegetables and fruits, and other necessities for mankind. In 3266 B.C. reigned the first king of Iran, called Kumers. He determined the days and the seasons in a year and he also determined the first day of the sun in the celestial station (haml). The dates and the years came to be accounted since then, and he ordered all learned people to pronounce and to proclaim the importance of that day. About hundred years after Kumers, Jamshed became the king of Iran, and he called this day Navroz. He celebrated his coronation on this day, and observed the day as a festival of Eid. Muhammad Bakir Majlisi quotes a number of traditions from the Imam in the 14th volume of his Bihar al-Anwar, who reports a tradition related by Moalla bin Khunais that Imam Jafar Sadik said: It was on Navroz that Adam was created, that God made a covenant with the souls, that Abraham destroyed the pagan idols, that the Prophet of Islam received first revelation, that the Prophet took Ali on his shoulders to smash 360 idols in Mecca, and most important of all, that he declared Ali as his legitimate successor.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 03:23:31 +0000

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