Other ways of managing depression Here are 7 other features you - TopicsExpress


Other ways of managing depression Here are 7 other features you may want to consider: 1. When a depression is so pervasive we need an equally robust offense on the thought process. What I am recommending is a daily dose of strategies from positive psychology specifically designed to shift your thoughts and feelings toward a more positive framework. This isn’t a simplistic “think-happy-thoughts” approach, but rather a focused effort at cognitive restructuring of your thought process. Think of it as an ongoing process as we do with physical hygiene. You may have taken a terrific shower on Monday, but by Wednesday you will need another. It is the same with positive mental hygiene. We need to generate a critical mass of positive thoughts on a regular basis. One of these articles will highlight the fact that it takes three positive thoughts to overcome every negative one, thus the need for daily strategies. 2. I did not read that you are taking an antidepressant. I would definitely consider this if you haven’t as the research demonstrates quite clearly that the strongest combination is that of therapy and an antidepressant in the approach to coping with depression. With the new medicines being introduced there may be one that suits you. 3. If you do not want to take an antidepressant there are several homeopathic or herbal alternatives that may be helpful. For these you will want to consult a registered dietitian. Many of the better health food stores have either access to a RD or make available such information. Here is a link to some interesting research by the federal Department of Health and Human Services on a supplement known as SAM-E. But please be sure to consult someone knowledgeable in these matters. There may be contraindications if you are taking antidepressants already (or other kinds of medicine) or have certain medical conditions. 4. You may want to consider group therapy as a means of supplementing your individual therapy. Group therapy is different in that there is an interactive feature that can’t be duplicated in individual therapy, and it often provides a vehicle for support as you begin to make changes in your life. Your therapist may know someone he or she can refer you to in your area. 5. Meditate. Learning how to self-soothe your emotional turmoil is perhaps the most important skill you can learn. There are dozens of meditation practices and you may have to experiment with several before you find one that you like. Here is a link on meditation to give you a starting point. 6. Aerobic exercise. The value of exercise in combating depression is very well documented and this is particularly true for any exercise involving aerobic displacement. If you are okay to do this medically, exercise in any form will help. 7. Review your diet. No one gets depressed, puts the back of their hand to their head and says: “ I am so depressed, I need to have a piece of lettuce.” Our emotional life often changes our craving for various foods, which may not have the best impact on our biochemistry. Again, I would check in with a registered dietitian to be certain your diet is supporting your mental well-being.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 22:44:16 +0000

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