Our 9/11 Story.... September 11, 2011 at 1:06pm OUR 9-11 STORY I - TopicsExpress


Our 9/11 Story.... September 11, 2011 at 1:06pm OUR 9-11 STORY I remember that day as vivid & clear as ever...It was a beautiful morning, the sun never shined so brightly. I was out walking our dog Tyson as I did every morning & remembering having an overwhelming feeling of peace. I got back to the house after my walk & got ready for work like I did everyday. I was in the kitchen making some breakfast, Tony had already left for work & at that time we did not have any children yet. I was getting ready to take a bite of oatmeal & literally remember choking as I was hearing about the 1st plane hitting the 1st twin tower on the tv on Good Morning America. I thought WOW, that is crazy, those poor people! What a terrible accident! Then I got in my car to go to work & was jamming to Kenny Chesney & then there was an interruption that there was a 2nd plane & it had hit the 2nd tower. I remember getting emotional thinking this was more than an accident, this was an act of war on our country! I got to work & just like anyone else that day could not focus. I was working at Oak Grove at a dental office & assisting on a patient w/ Dr. Barlow. As I was sitting on my stool trying to focus & work, I heard a voice on the above speaker (right above my head) that said the Pentagon in Washington DC has just been hit & my emotional state turned into worry & it got personal quick. My mom was in DC watching my nephews Greg & Josh while my sister Krista & her husband were on a trip to Hawaii. My nephews attended school near the DC area. I dropped whatever was in my hands & ran immediately to the phone to call my mom in DC, the phones were not working. I tried every # I could think of & nothing. Our dental office shut down early that day & I went ahead & left. I could not concentrate on anything I was doing, all I could think about was my mom & family on the East coast & all the lives that were lost. I came home & was glued to the TV all day & tried repeatedly to get in touch with my mom... & it was not until that next day that I finally did. I never was so happy to hear my moms voice & know that she was physically ok. She had told me that she had to drive downtown to get my nephews from school & that all the kids were under thier desks & that my nephews teacher had a son that worked up in 1 of the towers. The teacher was trying to remain calm, but Im sure that was tough not knowing the fate of her own son... My mom finally got permission to take the boys & go. My sister lived about 30 min away from DC but I remember my mom saying that DC looked like a warzone that day. There were fighter jets flying over my sisters house & my mom was scared what was going to happen. Our country was at war & there was alot of uncertainty about what was going to happen. My mom has always had her faith & I know that is what got us through that day. My dad Mickey was scheduled to fly out that next day (Sep 12th) to be with my mom & obviously that did not happen. My mom was in DC for 2 weeks before they would allow her to come home. Two weeks later I went to KCI airport to pick my mom up & take her home. I remember being at the gate waiting with anticipation to see my mom & give her a BIG hug, finally I saw her & I ran to her & gave her the biggest HUG you have ever seen! I told her that I loved her & was so happy she was ok & that I was sorry she had to be there alone. We just broke down crying hysterically in eachothers arms saying how thankful we were for eachother! I think it was so emotional because I actually had a mom to hug, many children lost thier moms that day but I had never been more thankful & blessed to have mine! I reflect alot on that day & it always brings me back to a place of humbleness & thankfulness that I cant really describe in words. I know that I still take things for granted & that day reminds me of how we are called to make a difference for other people & that every moment we have here on earth is so precious. I just know that today & everyday I thank God for all the blessings in my life especially my mom.
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 01:41:06 +0000

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