Our Ancestors where not a religious people, they where spiritual - TopicsExpress


Our Ancestors where not a religious people, they where spiritual people. Upon recognizing this fact the white invaders used their religion to capture the minds of African people. Religion has been the greatest tool used to conquer and convert the minds of Black people. When you connect a belief system to a religion its affects can be so much more profound and longer lasting. An example of this can be seen wherein which during slavery Black people were given a religion that taught them to believe in white deities- a white God, white messiah, white angels and white prophets. These depictions of “white only” deities were deliberately done to subconsciously indoctrinate the false belief of white divinity [and therefore superiority] upon the minds of the African slaves. In making the slaves believe in white deities it made them subconsciously believe that their slave masters- also being white- were closer to God—or god like. Moreover, during this process the African slaves were also taught to believe that this white God had ordained them to be slaves and that their Black skin color was the result of a curse. This white idolizing Black mortifying religious indoctrination process was used to make the African slaves more loyal to their masters. From the perspective of the slave masters, it made them better slaves. This conditioning has been left uncorrected and un-removed for generations. The effects of that brain washing scheme initially implemented more than four hundred years ago still continues upon the mind of millions of African Americans today. It is for this reason why it is not uncommon to visit a church with an entire Black congregation and find its walls stubbornly adorned with only pictures of white deities. The effects of that mental conditioning program have continued through many generational lines. These white deities are now so indoctrinated upon the minds, souls, and hearts of Black people that most will now angrily defend preferring them saying that the color of their deities are of no matter nor relevance. But given that this same group is often psychologically incapable of accepting Black depictions of their deities proves that color is of relevance-just as long as it remains white. For some Blacks it is so immense that they literally feel offended and a disdain towards Black depiction of their sacred deities. This behavior is among the severest remaining effect of that black mortifying religious indoctrination process. To take the standpoint that the preferentiality for white deities among so many black people, over Black ones -that look like themselves- as being normal is ludicrous. For many Black people God is revered as being the [most] highest entity within their lives. Therefore it is logical that the continued perpetuated myth of God’s whiteness would psychological ingrain feelings of white superiority and divinity while subsequently causing self-contemptuous mortifying feelings within the Black psyche. It is also for this reason why many Black people often feel greater sympathy towards the white Jewish holocaust -that resulted in an estimated twelve millions deaths- over their own Black Holocaust that resulted in an estimated fifty million deaths. These behaviors among so many African Americans are the direct resulted legacy of that slavery process where of which they were indoctrinated to believe in the divinity of whites only. I am well aware that thousands of Black people that will read this article are very sincere in their devotion to Christianity—and totally accept its depictions of white deities. They are however totally unaware that these false depictions of white deities were [and still is] used to subconsciously ingrain feelings of inferiority within the Black psyche. Today this white venerating religious indoctrination process is continued when black parents teach their children to believe and pray to white deities. It also continues every time that a Black child enters a church and sees white deities upon its walls, or read an illustrated Bible that depicts all the biblical heroes as white; and also when watching movies or television shows depicting Biblical characters as white. Millions of Black people have lived and died without ever studying the true origin of their Christian religion or of how their enslaved ancestors became Christians. Many hold the belief that to merely present such a question is to commit a sin. Some even believe that those who would question it are under the influence of Satan himself. These sentiments are often also echoed by many Black ministers. Subsequently, as a result of these norms, the majority of African Americans therefore go from the cradle to the grave never—at any time—knowing this truth. Do you know this origin of Black Christianity? Most African Americans are unaware that their spiritual experiences of trance shaking when feeling a spiritual connection with their creator, and speaking in tongue has nothing to do with Christianity. In fact when such behavior was displayed by the early African slaves, their masters often expressed feelings of shock because they found the displayed behavior as being hedonist and alien to the Christian religion they were teaching their slaves. They also often shared these stories of their slaves’ behaviors with their house guest believing that it proved that their slaves somehow lacked mental capacity. This is because these expressions of spirituality that we now perceive as Christianity are in fact totally African expressions. This truth has been suppressed for many centuries, but it is information that every Black person need to know! This truth is astounding and vitally important to the mental liberation of black people. Although the terminology of Psychological Warfare is modern, its practice among White cultures is not new at all. History acknowledges that the White race’s tendency to deceive and perpetuate false propaganda has an ancient pedigree that lies at the very heart of European culture and identity. For example, during the Christian crusades, merciless White empires went into battle wearing crosses upon their armor, with a sword in one hand, and a Bible in the other to convert their enemies to Christianity – making them serve White deities that looked like their European conquerors. In fact, the White race’s proclivity for using psychological warfare dates back more than two thousand years. The Judeo-Christian tradition itself is a myth based upon lies that have been used to perpetuate White superiority. There is perhaps no place where the White race’s proclivity for deceit and propaganda is made clearer than in the history of Western religion. White religious scholars rewrote the African origin of Christianity; thus converting African religion, deities, and important figures of the Bible into European ones, regardless of how absurdly inaccurate. Throughout history, prominent Western elites and European Kings have always found it necessary to revise history and erase African people from all significant events of the world. Given these facts, the true history of religion can be very intricate and difficult to trace. Therefore, the goal here is to see whether the teachings of Jesus Christ survived unchanged after his death by examining the changes in both the Christian church and the Roman Empire after the death of Christ and during the reign of the Roman Emperor Constantine (A.D.312-337). Examined here is the supposition that modern-day Christian traditions and beliefs are not actually of Christian origin, but instead are of the pagan Roman Empire under the edict of Emperor Constantine. Furthermore, a discussion of how White racist empires whitewashed Africans’ ancient history and religious teachings to create a new, pagan Christianity and history is presented. Fallacies based upon these revisions were disseminated as the truth causing us Africans to abandon the truth and believe falsehood in its place – thus undermining our good standing with our God (John 4:23). Also discussed are the effects of the events and religious changes made during Constantine’s reign on both the Church and Rome. Additionally, an attempt to explain the results of Constantines policies and reinterpretations on what Christians believe today is offered. Modern Christianity reflects Roman influences more than the actual teachings of Christ. It is hoped that exposing the mythological basis of the Judeo Christian tradition will enlighten readers regarding its use to perpetuate White superiority. This is a risky and delicate endeavor given the tremendous importance of religion in African American culture. Accordingly, many African Americans are willing to devote their entire lives to their religious beliefs without ever researching their authenticity. However, does it not make sense to at least research it first? This is a very logical argument, and yet for more than 400 years African Americans have gone from the cradle to the grave blindly accepting religious teachings, without investigating them. It is incredibly astounding that so many African Americans commit their entire lives to religious belief systems with little or no knowledge of their origins or history. They spend their entire lives waiting anxiously to die and go to heaven to see the face of Jesus; thus anticipating their reward in the afterlife. Given that religion is deemed so extremely important to Black Christians, one would logically assume that Blacks would study the history of their religion. However, quite to the contrary, most Blacks do not. In fact, modern Christianity thrives on faith with very little knowledge or education about the religion. How remarkable it is that an entire people could dedicate their entire existence to a belief without ever researching its authenticity. Imagine, for example, that someone were to give you a book and told you to live your entire life by its teachings, to pay 10% percent of your earnings to its temples, and to raise your children by its teachings. Wouldnt it be ill advised to accept this book on blind faith and to never question or examine its authenticity? Obviously it would be ill advised to do so; in fact, it would be foolish. Sadly, this is precisely what Black people in America (and Blacks elsewhere) have done for more than four hundred years. Religion has been the greatest tool used to conquer and convert the minds of Black people. It was in fact the first form of psychological warfare ever used against African American. During slavery Black people were given a religion that taught them to believe in white deities- a white God, white messiah, white angels and white prophets. These depictions of “white only” deities were deliberately done to subconsciously indoctrinate the false belief of white divinity [and therefore superiority] upon the minds of the African slaves. In making the slaves believe in white deities it made them subconsciously believe that their slave masters- also being white- were closer to God—or god like. Moreover, during this process the African slaves were also taught to believe that this white God had ordained them to be slaves and that their Black skin color was the result of a curse. It is therefore logical then that in order to free the Black psyche will require a thorough review and the dissection of the religion given to us by whites. Moreover it was very effective brainwashing because when you connect a belief system to a religion its affects can be so much more profound and longer lasting. This white idolizing Black mortifying religious indoctrination process was used to make the African slaves more loyal to their masters. From the perspective of the slave masters, it made them better slaves. This conditioning has been left uncorrected and un-removed for generations. The effects of that brain washing scheme initially implemented more than four hundred years ago still continues upon the mind of millions of African Americans today. It is for this reason why it is not uncommon to visit a church with an entire Black congregation and find its walls stubbornly adorned with only pictures of white deities. The effects of that mental conditioning program have continued through many generational lines. These white deities are now so indoctrinated upon the minds, souls, and hearts of Black people that most will now angrily defend preferring them saying that the color of their deities are of no matter nor relevance. But given that this same group is often psychologically incapable of accepting Black depictions of their deities proves that color is of relevance-just as long as it remains white. For some Blacks it is so immense that they literally feel offended and a disdain towards Black depiction of their sacred deities. This behavior is among the severest remaining effect of that black mortifying religious indoctrination process. To take the standpoint that the preferentiality for white deities among so many black people, over Black ones -that look like themselves- as being normal is ludicrous. For many Black people God is revered as being the [most] highest entity within their lives. Therefore it is logical that the continued perpetuated myth of God’s whiteness would psychological ingrain feelings of white superiority and divinity while subsequently causing self-contemptuous mortifying feelings within the Black psyche. It is also for this reason why many Black people often feel greater sympathy towards the white Jewish holocaust -that resulted in an estimated twelve millions deaths- over their own Black Holocaust that resulted in an estimated fifty million deaths. These behaviors among so many African Americans are the direct resulted legacy of that slavery process where of which they were indoctrinated to believe in the divinity of whites only. I am well aware that thousands of Black people that will read this chapter are very sincere in their devotion to Christianity—and totally accept its depictions of white deities. They are however totally unaware that these false depictions of white deities were [and still is] used to subconsciously ingrain feelings of white superiority within the Black psyche. Today this white venerating religious indoctrination process is continued when black parents teach their children to believe and pray to white deities. It also continues every time that a Black child enters a church and sees white deities upon its walls, or read an illustrated Bible that depicts all the biblical heroes as white; and also when watching movies or television shows depicting Biblical characters as white. Millions of Black people have lived and died without ever studying the true origin of their Christian religion or of how their enslaved ancestors became Christians. Many hold the belief that to merely present such a question is to commit a sin. Some even believe that those who would question it are under the influence of Satan himself. These sentiments are often also echoed by many Black ministers. Subsequently, as a result of these norms, the majority of African Americans therefore go from the cradle to the grave never—at any time—knowing this truth. Do you know this origin of Black Christianity? Most African Americans are unaware that their spiritual experiences of trance shaking when feeling a spiritual connection with their creator, and speaking in tongue has nothing to do with Christianity. In fact when such behavior was displayed by the early African slaves, their masters often expressed feelings of shock because they found the displayed behavior as being hedonist and alien to the Christian religion they were teaching their slaves. They also often shared these stories of their slaves’ behaviors with their house guest believing that it proved that their slaves somehow lacked mental capacity. This is because these expressions of spirituality that we now perceive as Christianity are in fact totally African expressions. Although it is difficult for some to accept, modern Christianity is founded more on faith rather than the education and enlightenment concerning one’s religious beliefs. In fact, this faith based ignorance is often encouraged under the pretext of “faith.” Many Blacks have boasted about their ignorance of their religion saying well I may not know all the stuff about how the Bible was written, but I certainly have faith in it. These types of ignorant declarations are especially prevalent in many Black churches. The congregation may even respond by all rising to their feet and applauding it. Ignorance is contrary to God’s will, for God is not a perpetuator or an encourager of rampant ignorance. Clearly, God cannot find favor in a religion that thrives on blind faith born of indisputable ignorance. No God, regardless what he or she is called, favors ignorance above knowledge for to do so would itself be contrary of the very divinity of God. Is it not within the darkness of ignorance where most of the deceit and evils of the world are secretly planned, and perpetrated? Learn more at divineblacktruth.org
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 20:25:37 +0000

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