Our Father in Heaven, Thank you for Your grace You have - TopicsExpress


Our Father in Heaven, Thank you for Your grace You have provided through Your Son, Jesus Christ. We come to You in Jesus Christs Holy Name. We surrender ourselves to You, Heavenly Father, in the name of Your Son, and the Holy Spirit. We bring the lost in our families and in our community before You tonight, Lord. We pray that the Holy Spirit guides and directs so that we may actively touch the lives of lost souls and show them the way to salvation. Bring them into our presence, Father, so that we can witness to them and show them the peace of Jesus Christ. Please help each family experiencing grief over lost loved ones. Provide strength to trust in Your faithfulness. We ask that You, our Lord of comfort and love, help each family to wait on You and not despair. We bring the following families into Your presence, Father--- Jonathan Combs, Roy Noble, Bob Miller, Archie Noble, and Noah Campbell (was hit by car while crossing the highway). In addition, Taron Griffiths boss lost her mother. Father, we know that hearts are crushed, but that You will not abandon them. Show Your compassion, Father, as You send fresh mercy to each family daily. Protect them from any trouble and hurt and make a way for each one to walk with You, Lord, through the grief of losing loved ones. We have an unspoken request tonight for Uncle Roger and for the Abbaspour family. Father, we ask that Your presence be evident in each of these lives. Father, we ask guarding angels around each life to guard, protect, and shield. Father, destroy any evil or demonic spirit that might try to come against them. Father, protect and guard against any evil thing that might come against each one. Provide your love and send Your Holy Spirit to reveal Jesus Christ to each one who may not be saved. Father, Alice Stamper is in the hospital with glucose levels of 500. We pray that You forgive Alice of any transgressions and sins as You heal her body. Father, we ask that You guide doctors in prescribing the best medicine to treat Alices diabetes. Give her willpower and courage to eat healthy diabetic meals. Father, we know that You are in control and if it be Your will, that You can completely heal Alice of diabetes. Deliva Noble is in the hospital and had surgery yesterday for a blockage. Her blood pressure is still very high. Father, bless and keep Deliva in Your loving care as You return her blood pressure to normal. Father, protect her from any infections that are prevalent in so many hospitals today. Forgive her of any sins and help her to grow spiritually for You, Father. Father, we bring Shawna Slagles mother before You this evening. She is also in the hospital with fluid build up. She has been struggling with sickness for some time, Father. We trust that no illness is too BIG for You, our Almighty healer. Father, as You direct the medical staff and remove the fluid build-up in her body, we ask that if You will, that You send a special healing to this dear lady. Provide a complete healing, Father, so that her life can be better used for You. Provide a healing so that Shawna and her family will be freed up to spend each moment serving You, Father. We ask that while they are going through this medical crisis, that You provide situations where they can witness for You. Bless this lady and her family, Father. Miracles of healing are not of the old as some confess because Your Word says, I am the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Thank You for never changing and continuing to provide miracles in our lives today. Father, we pray that You send strength for Karen Campbell. She has not been feeling well this week. Estill Barnett is seeking Your healing touch. Father, we ask that You touch Fred Finley. His kidneys have not been functioning. Heal his kidneys and give him a complete healing, if You will, Lord. Father, our Sister Fredda Williams, had a bad fall and is experiencing a lot of back pain. We pray that You ease her pain and restore her body to good health. Send her one of Your miracles, Father, so that she can actively witness for You and provide inspiration to those around her as she goes about Your service. Short Miller and family need a healing from You tonight. Bless him. Father, keep his lungs strong. Be with his wife and his family. Watch over them and protect them. Father, keep them in Your love and presence as You provide this family a miracle. Rositas mother has to go back to the eye doctor and the heart doctor. Father, we pray for a good report for this special lady. Go before her, Father, and provide an awareness that she is in Your presence at all times. Father, we thank You that Wilma Miller is out of the hospital. Be with her and her caregivers. Keep her safe and we pray that You strengthen her lungs and provide a high quality of life for her. Geraldine, Jill Neaces mother, has bronchitis. Father, we ask that You provide comfort for Geraldine and give her a complete healing. Clear her lungs and take away her aches and pains. We thank you for Jill and her mother. Bless them and their family, Lord! Georgia Miller had to have a defibrillator installed, Father. We pray that her body adjusts well to this new device and we ask that You provide strong heart health for Georgia. Father, we thank You for her family---Debra, Kenneth, Kendra, Shorty, Vera, and others. Thank You for their dedication to You, Father and bless their mother as she goes through this medical crisis. Jim had to have a cord replaced on his pacemaker. We pray for good health for Jim, Father. Use his life to glorify You. Bring him closer to You as You provide healing for his body. David White is having some issues with his liver and gall bladder. Father, we ask that You use this situation to help David grow spiritually. We dont know his spiritual condition, but if he is unsaved, we pray that Jesus be revealed unto him. Father, cleanse him, heal him, and protect him. Donna White is having a light scope procedure for her stomach. She is trusting You, Father, for healing. We come in agreement with Donna that she receive a complete healing for her stomach. Father, we bring Brookelynn before Your throne tonight. She has a rash over her entire body and she is also coughing and vomiting. Heal this child, Father, and restore her to good health. Bless her and her family with Your goodness as You show favor upon them. Lesa Handshoe had a tongue procedure performed. We pray that You will provide a speedy healing for Lesa and continue working on her, Father. Heal her body in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Donna Morton is concerned about her mother, Linda, tonight. She is having issues with her throat. Father, touch Linda. We know You are sufficient and we know that if You will, You can provide a complete healing for her. If it be Your will, Father, You can have her rise out of that wheelchair and walk again. We place her in Your care, Father. Also be with Donna and Dempsey. We thank You for Dempseys salvation and baptism. Father, thank You for providing Godly leadership for this family. Be with him as he grows stronger spiritually, Lord, so that he learns to trust You more daily and follow You in a way that is pleasing to You. Father, we bring Keaton before You. We ask that You bring him into Your kingdom so that this family can together serve Your most High Name. We bring a special request before You tonight, Father, for Kendra McIntosh. Go with her and before her daily as she enters the doors of her workplace. Father, make a way for her schedule to be arranged so that she can be off from work on Sundays. Father, if it be Your will that this doesnt work out for Kendra, we trust that You have another position in mind for her where she can better serve You. Watch over Kendra, protect her, and guide her in the way You would have her to go. We praise You, Father, for answered prayers. Thank you for Brenda Couch Gay who expressed appreciation for our church and our Trunk or Treat Outreach. Thank You, Father, that Fred Finley is home from the hospital. Thank You for James Hamblin. He is off of the ventilator and is expecting rehab soon. Thank You for Your mercy in taking care of Your child, Father. We pray for continued blessings for Brenda, Fred, and for James. Father, we ask for so much, and You never fail us. Most of all, thank You for Your only Son, who loved us enough to give His life for us. Heavenly Father, we thank You that when we declare a thing; that You will establish it for us and light will shine on our ways according to Job 22:27-28. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, we pray with thanksgiving and according to Your will! Amen.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 00:55:05 +0000

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