Our Human Side We’d Like to Ignore By Shelli Stanger - TopicsExpress


Our Human Side We’d Like to Ignore By Shelli Stanger Nelson I’m watching the news this week, which is once again billowing with dirty laundry, especially that of Food Network chef, Paula Dean. In spite of what you might think about her recipes and food choices, I’m here to hold up a huge stop-sign in one hand and a mirror in the other. Despite media and general public opinion wishing to paint Ms. Dean as somehow so different than everyone who watches her show or buys her products, her past indiscretions, or even her current ones, are simply one part of the human experience, which is all expressed in and through the Human Bio-energy System (HBS). What we are witnessing here in Paula Dean’s unfortunate, public humiliation is her admission to the dark side of what it means to be human. In working with the evolution of consciousness, this is something we all must do, only most of us have the luxury of doing it in the privacy of our bedroom, journal or bio-energy healer or therapist’s office. I heard someone ask Ms. Dean on a TV interview, ‘Are you a racist?’. To which she was forced to reply, “No”, because if she had actually said, “Yes, there is a piece of me that has the ability to be biased, bigoted, prejudice and perhaps even racist”, can you imagine the public response? Dean, although not by choice, is courageously admitting to her lower-self, her negative ego. Like it or not, we all have this same aspect within the larger self sitting in the shadows. As Ms Dean is publicly forced to expose her human side, the rest of the world watches from the security of their family rooms and bedrooms. Some are feeling she got what she deserved, some are feeling compassionate, others are enraged and likely quite a few are projecting additional criticism and judgment toward her. Dean’s sponsors dropped her out of fear of public pressure. As a species, we are quick to cast aspersions and scapegoat whenever possible. This is not to say that we all ought to turn a blind eye to people’s indiscretions or give everyone a free-pass for unacceptable behaviors. The larger issue here is that if we were to be profoundly honest, we would all find the seed-kernel of our own bias and prejudices within. Before the reader says, “well, not me”, consider the possibility of bias toward your own child or family’s needs over other’s, or a prejudice toward athletics over academics, eating organic foods over boxed foods. Maybe the reader is biased toward holistic medical care and judges traditional treatments. Or perhaps holds a judgment and bias about one religion over another. After her initial exposure, Ms Dean appeared on the network TV program, The Today Show. It is important to point out that Dean is a member of the “Today Show Family”, appearing regularly on the program, interacting with the other Today show family members. There in her seat at the imagined family dinner table, she was interviewed by the family patriarch, Matt Lauer The interview found Lauer assuming public posturing, firing questions and offering retorts to Dean’s answers in a manner that again promoted separation and superiority. And sadly, this is how families and communities often operate. It’s common practice to project the short-comings, biases, transgressions of individuals within a family or group onto the head of one person. This person then becomes the “black sheep” or the scapegoat for the family or group. Donna Evans Strauss writes about the scapegoat in her Living from Grace™ course work. She discusses how the family unit will choose a particular member to send into exile through their admonishments, projections and judgments without pausing a moment to examine their own similar shortcomings. What ends up happening, then, is that those who are united against the scapegoat unite in a mob-like mentality, finding strength, bonding and solidarity in continuing to allow the exiled one to carry the displaced energies of the community. In other words, one individual carries all of the unhealthiness of the family or community. Sadly, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual illnesses can actually develop. This occurs because the exiled individual, or in the case of communities, the sub-group, loses a healthy since of the self. They are deliberately cut off from receiving nourishing group energy necessary for healthy bonding and mature ego-development. The individual or marginalized group is forced to expend bio-energy defending unique choices, lifestyles, differences and opinions rather than utilizing it for sustaining life. There is a perpetual exhaustion of personal energy that attempts to be understood and accepted by the group. Meanwhile, the group members sustain their own, individual life-force by way of the bond that develops through the common cause of gossip, blaming and judging the exiled one among group members. The learning in this all-around tragic tale of Paula Dean’s fall from grace by admission of her own authentic human side, and the scapegoated energy she now gets to carry is that we all need to spend some time examining and re-configuring the unhelpful consciousness of our individual bio-energy field. Our psychology, (thoughts, emotions, experiences) are inexorably linked to the function of the bio-energy system. All thought forms reside in the third level of the auric field. These thought forms, in turn, influence our Haric dimension, which is the lightning rod of our intentions. In order to maintain a truly healthful HBS it becomes necessary to continually ask oneself, “what are my own biases and prejudices that keep me separate from others and from my own unification with my inner Divinity? How do I blame, judge, criticize and find myself superior to others?” Once we do this in an authentic way, and learn why it started, we can develop healthy ways of bonding with others. Healthy bonding diminishes the need to exile individuals and groups and instead, allows us to find the field of commonality between all people, regardless of gender, religion, ethnicity or lifestyle.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Jul 2013 02:12:04 +0000

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