Our President, Judith Weeg, is once again in the hospital and - TopicsExpress


Our President, Judith Weeg, is once again in the hospital and needs your help. She is suffering from complications of Lyme disease, MRSA, and Sepsis. She has been ill for the last 3 months. Her situation is life threatening. She quite frankly has been near death at least twice since early December, 2013, and this is her second hospitalization. Most of the time, she is too weak to do much of anything. She is bedridden most of the time and is too weak to walk and talk. And yet, she keeps trying to help people with Lyme disease get the support, resources, and help they need. We have a dedicated volunteer and Advocate, Gail M. (bless her), who was trained by Judy, who has been working overtime helping you while Judy is ill. I am reaching out to the Lyme community to now support Judy in her time of need. She has been there for every single person who reached out to her for support; whether you needed to be referred to an LLMD to get proper diagnosis and care, or needed information on how to get financial aid, a free flight to a doctor, an attorney to help you with a Lyme connected issue, or more serious matters that involved hours of her time fighting to free a child, who did not belong there, from a psychiatric ward, because some misguided medical person did not know the child had psychiatric issues due to Lyme disease, and that those symptoms would disappear with proper treatment. She has fought for LLMD’s whom various misguided officials were persecuting for treating Ld the proper way using ILADS guidelines. How many times has she just plain given one of you money out or her own pocket, because you were going to become homeless without immediate aid? How many of you were aided with funds from the LDUC to pay for a much needed trips to see an LLMD or paid for antibiotics you needed so you would not regress in your battle with Lyme, paid your rent, paid for food, gas, or physician’s bill? She has sent thousands of brochures, and hundreds of books to people at minimal or no cost to the recipients. These brochures cost thousands of dollars to get printed and then there is the cost to ship them all over the world. The list goes on and on of the many acts of kindness, devotion, and caring she has given to thousands of people with Lyme disease and their families over the last 20 plus years. Judy literally gave everything she had to all who needed help; her time; her personal money; the LDUC’s money; and her health! She has quite frankly worked around the clock with no thought of complaint to help anyone with Lyme disease who needed it. She is truly the epitome of a Lyme Angel. So, why am I writing this email to all of you? First of all, my name is Shirley and I am Judy’s administrative assistant/VP. I handle everything that Judy doesn’t. I have been with Judy and the LDUC for the better part of 4 years. I have watched her tirelessly help all of you even when she could hardly function herself because of this terrible, devastating illness called Lyme. She keeps going and going like the “Eveready bunny”… never accepting defeat for herself or any of you. She is now in THE BATTLE of her life! She needs your prayers and quite frankly your money. So, for those of you that can afford to send a few dollars, or a few hundred dollars, or a few thousand dollars for the LDUC, please do! I know you can all pray, however, I do realize you all may not be able to send a donation. So, if you honestly don’t have money to spare, we need your time…volunteer to help with fundraising, researching for grants, answering emails, and other tasks. If you have experience in any of these areas, please contact me by email to let me know how you can help, and I will get back to you immediately. Please help me to keep Judy’s dream of keeping her organization she built over the last 20+ years, the Lyme Disease United Coalition, operating even now with her illness making it impossible for her to do the fundraisers, and other things needed to raise money so we can continue to help all of those who need us. Unfortunately, I do not have a clue or the experience on how to do this for our organization or I would, so I have no recourse but to ask all of you to help the one organization who always helps you, your family, and your friends when you need it. Please help me to help Judy by keeping the LDUC alive and well during a period when Judy can’t do it all by herself. Your help is needed NOW, whether it be volunteering your time; sending donations to keep us operating; or sharing your experience/training/education in areas that would help us; and most important of all, your prayers for Judy’s recovery. Whatever you can do is appreciated beyond measure. Please take the time to “pay it forward” NOW. We need your help now so we can be here when you need us in the future. Thank you for taking the time to read this email. I pray that each and every one of you who can, take action NOW. Your organization needs you NOW! I am NOT exaggerating the seriousness of this entire situation. Bless you all…get well! Send your donations to the LDUC securely thru PayPal by going to our website at lduc.org and click on Donations appreciated. You may also send checks or money orders to our PO Box 465 Boone IA 50036
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 11:18:59 +0000

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