Our animals are shifting with us...here is a great article with - TopicsExpress


Our animals are shifting with us...here is a great article with practical advice from my dear friend and fellow QHHT practitioner Marie Skweir who is also an animal communicator. If youre wondering how to help your animal companions during these high energy times, read on... I know many here have experienced the shifting energies this year, whether through significant life transitions, shifts in sleep patterns/diet, energetic clearings, crazy emotions, dizziness, etc. Still, many are not aware that our animal companions (pets) are also starting to experience the rapidly shifting energies, and are increasingly feeling uneasy. Having received many calls - especially recently - regarding unusual pet behaviors, I wanted to share my insights as an animal communicator. Just as we all have our individual experiences, so do they. But, recently I have seen some general common themes emerge, esp. w/ dogs & cats. (BTW, wild animals are a whole different story....) Many dogs these days seem to be experiencing a pervasive low-level of anxiety, often translating into seemingly more “needy” behaviors, following us around, wanting more touch or just to be close, unsure, anxiety when we leave the house, “accidents” in the house, etc. Many cats generally seem to be experiencing these energies with increased agitation or “edginess”, even aggression, often vocalizing, attacking, scratching, biting, etc. When I ask how we can best support them at this time (after, of course, ruling out medical issues) mostly they want reassurance that everything is OK. Otherwise, they seem to instinctively know what they need to come back into balance (just as we do if we really stop and listen). The challenge for them is that, being dependent on you, they can’t always do what they need. With a bit of extra attentiveness, you will likely notice what they are wanting. For many, it is tweaks to their diets – including more fresh fruits and vegetables. Many are drinking copious amounts of water, not wanting to go for walks, wanting rest, being REALLY hungry or not hungry at all (or alternating), sleeping more than usual, pouncing around like crazy (to expel extra energy), etc. Heh – not all that different than some of us! Since these energies are generally disquieting for them, anything we can do to help them settle is helpful. THE BIGGEST THING is being aware of our own energies. Just as young children can feel scared when their parents are upset, many of our pets feel anxious when they experience us going through the craziness! Many are reacting to OUR feelings during these times. Also helpful: doing energy work on them, talking to them, reassuring them, when we leave, letting them know that we are coming back, playing music or esp. ambient sounds (like delta or theta wave music) especially while we are absent, and being in nature (even just lying on the lawn helps). When I ask about helping them cope with the larger shift, I repeatedly get the same answer: We can best support them by helping them to start becoming more energetically autonomous, fortifying their individual energy bodies. Specifically, we can help them reconnect with their own higher selves/guidance systems. The connection is, of course, already there (just like in humans), however most pets have energetically connected to their humans instead of to their own higher selves. To do this, you can simply intend it, visualize it, or use your hands on their crown chakras (yup, same place….you’ll feel it). Also, I call in their spirit guides, and “make the connection/introduction” (they, too, are already there). While I haven’t met one animal that is afraid of meeting their spirit guides, I have met many that sense them as “something different” (than humans or animals) and find it a little confusing. In the space of trust they have with you, you can help “normalize” that connection and let them know that their own guides are always there for them. I know many of you have such big hearts for our animal family. And, I wouldn’t be surprised if many of your pets have chosen YOU at some energetic level because of your understanding of this realm and your ability to shift (however ungracefully at times!) with these energies. So, all this is from my personal experience with animal clients….hopefully to shed a little light on or just confirm things you might have started noticing. I encourage you each to ask your own animals directly how best to support them during these crazy energies. Even though you may have never heard from your pets before, I know many of you are far more intuitive with them than you might realize. Truly, 9 out of 10 pet clients owners say “I KNEW it!” when I tell them what’s going on. As long as you’re not in fear, your instincts are probably right on. Thank you Marie :)
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 18:02:59 +0000

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