Our digestive tract is one of the key interfaces between the - TopicsExpress


Our digestive tract is one of the key interfaces between the external environment and our blood stream. When the digestive tract is irritated and damaged it produces rampant inflammation and stress throughout the entire body. Supplementing to improve stomach acid production can dramatically improve digestion and overall health. Poor digestion is more the rule than the exception in our society. Our culture doesn’t prioritize the time and energy our digestive system to needs to optimally process the food we consume. We often eat multiple meals a day including very large meals with foods that do not digest well together. We eat on the go, deal with stressful activities while eating or shortly after and consume toxic irritants on a regular basis. Good digestion begins in the stomach: Hydrochloric acid is necessary for creating an acidic environment in the stomach to digest protein and ionize minerals. This also helps to stimulate bile release from the gallbladder to effectively metabolize fat in the small intestine. Without these key functions working optimally we become at risk for anemia, thyroid problems, osteoporosis and auto-immunity.(1,2,3) Low stomach acid in a very common problem especially in older individuals or those who have suffered from various infections like H. Pylori, been on antibiotics and other medications like non-steroidal anti-inflammatories.(4,5,6). Low stomach acid sets the stage for damage to the delicate lining of the digestive tract and the formation of leaky gut syndrome. Symptoms associated with low stomach acid Bloating Belching Flatulence (gas) Heartburn Indigestion Diarrhea Constipation Acne Chronic fatigue Adrenal fatigue Auto-immunity Dry skin/Dandruff Rectal itching Candida Hair loss in women Iron/B12 Deficiency Multiple food allergies and/or sensitivities Week, peeling & cracked Fingernails Possible causes of low stomach acid Poor diet Mineral deficiencies Excess sugar and carbs Processed foods B vitamin deficiency Chronic infections Advanced age Anti-acid usage Heartburn medications NSAID (Tylenol, aspirin, ibuprofen) Usage Birth control pills Chronic stress Other digestive problems Anti-biotic usage Importance of healthy stomach acid When you have low stomach acid you are unable to effectively break down protein in the stomach. This allows very large proteins to get into the small intestine and creates major stress on the pancreas to produce enough enzymes to metabolize the proteins.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 01:30:01 +0000

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