"Our etheric bodies surround our physical bodies like an outline, - TopicsExpress


"Our etheric bodies surround our physical bodies like an outline, controlling every cell and keeping the flesh alive. It breathes our unique and beautiful soul patterns and contains the blueprint of our karma. Consisting of four unique energies; electromagnetic, life-force, sound/light, and photographic, it is the energetic life force that draws healing light into our physical bodies. It is different from the aura, which is an emotional body of energy surrounding the physical and etheric. Mastering control of your etheric body is the key to ultimate healing and elevating your vibrational energy. When we nurture our etheric bodies with light and positive energy, we heal. When we hold negative thoughts and emotions around us, it weakens this energy and blocks our channels. Forgiveness, non-judgmental tolerance and the balance of the ego are all important factors. The subconscious mind expresses through etheric energy, therefore, it is controlled by your thoughts. When you learn to control your etheric body through soul mastery, you can influence your body to heal, age much slower, and to exist on and to visit higher planes while still alive on Earth. It is the key to our eventual collective ascension. Meditation with the white light energy provides a full color spectrum healing for every chakra and cell in the body. Like a clear crystal in sunlight displaying a brilliant prism of beautiful colors, each color makes up the magnificent healing light. Consistent white light meditations are extremely effective in heightening your psychic and self-healing abilities along with raising your vibrational levels and energy protection. In my own practice and teaching of white light meditation, I have seen immediate results! Some people are able to tap in right away and others take a little more time. It all depends on our personal soul quests and timelines. Once it is awakened, it is certainly an experience that is hard to forget. Connection to the energy brings a peace and a stillness that relieves and rejuvenates. This practice helps you to draw in high frequencies through the etheric body and keeps you healthy while you are physically and spiritually evolving. When etheric energy is seen through the psychic eye, it’s usually seen as violet or magenta. Ascended Masters and others who vibrate at higher energy frequencies will usually have a white or violet aura around them as it is being magnified and strengthened by the energy close to the body. It’s our own personal soul shield and it’s up to us to keep it shining."
Posted on: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 23:48:57 +0000

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