Our gardens signal us when it’s time to prep for fall and - TopicsExpress


Our gardens signal us when it’s time to prep for fall and winter. Annual flowers turn brown and die; the leaves take on autumnal colors; and the last of the harvest is ready to bring in. It’s tempting to take a break from outdoor chores, but it’s smart to prepare for the cold weather ahead. Cleaning up now will make it faster and easier to plant again next spring. CLEAN UP Once your plants have died or succumbed to the cold, take up their supports. If the stakes, cages, and trellises are still in good shape, pull off any clinging foliage and store them away. Rake your garden spot to remove leaves and plant debris, including any unusable fruits and vegetables. Pull or dig old stems and roots. If you see any bugs or disease, don’t add the debris to the compost pile, where problems can overwinter and spread. Burn it instead (if burning is allowed in your area; always follow local and community fire safety regulations), or discard it. Dig tender bulbs, and store them in paper bags in a dark, dry spot until spring. Some tender plants can be dug, too, and will survive in a sunny window until they can be replanted outside. Use a cold frame or floating row covers to extend any crops that are still producing. Don’t bag raked leaves for the trash collector. Pile them in an out-of-the-way spot. Eventually they’ll form leaf mold, a valuable garden amendment. To speed up the process, shred leaves with a lawn mower.
Posted on: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 16:21:30 +0000

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