Our government needs to get their priorities right. Stop giving - TopicsExpress


Our government needs to get their priorities right. Stop giving these foreign countries our hard earned money. The US has given our enemies trillions over decades. What did we get for our investment. James Foley got his head cut off with a steak knife, 1000s got to die when airplanes were intensionally flown into the twin towers. STOP send my money to these 3rd world heathens. Stop buying their fxxxing oil, use the money at home. Build new fighters, battleships, submarines and aircraft carries. Solve the unemployment problem, draft these people Into the military. Make it perfectly clear to our enemies, if you tread on us we will kill you, no questions asked, we will use ever weapon in our arsenals. The mid-east wants a nuclear bomb, tell them to get their binoculars and look out their windows. They can see a nuclear bomb, as it descends. I think we should also let them know, having a good pair of sunglasses would help.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 18:10:07 +0000

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