Our marvelous economy and how it affects recreational - TopicsExpress


Our marvelous economy and how it affects recreational fishing What is happening is with the issues surrounding our commercial fishing and how is affects our economy, is that we have our economists looking at the export dollar versus the internal economy, in terms of the recreational fishing dollar. The internal economy is as equally important as the export dollar that comes into the country. If this sea food was caught by locals and sold to locals this would be a sea food and tourism hosts dream come true. Also the further a fish travels the older and more expensive it is to the consumer. The export dollar that comes in boosts the economy by bringing in outside funds which they pay GST to the government for, therefore the export dollar which comes in boosts the internal economy. The internal economy is where recreational dollar is, which goes around and around in other words what you and I spend when we are on holiday, and out fishing. If you lose the export earnings from the fish it could be extremely detrimental to the internal economy, this is what the economists are saying and this is where we need everything to be balanced but what they have to careful with is that if you put the fish catch to 3 fish on the eastern seaboard it drastically affects the internal economy. They are just looking at a spreadsheet with us recreational fishers on it. So this is where we need to change the economists thinking. To get them away from the spread sheet thinking we still need the recreational dollar going around and around. They are only interested in the economy spreadsheet and don’t understand that we actually enjoy going fishing and eating our catch, and don’t take our enjoyment and recreational ………..into consideration. We are not even allowed to buy our own fish off each other. You can only buy fish from a retailer that has purchased off a wholesaler more expensive and a day older John Key would prefer we don’t have holidays and that we don’t spend family time they would rather have us all working 24/7. Our Government clearly has no respect for our fishery. If the inshore fishery was reserved for NZ people as it should be, the sea food selection and quality would easily be the best in the world. As it is the world is a small place. It’s no problem for the Eco tourist to fly into ventures like Dolphin watch, whale watch and other attractions up and down the NZ coast. The recreational divers, fisherman, and trout fishermen nationwide area is huge, along with the canal fishing down south, prawn farm, glass bottom boats in Leigh and Whitianga, the salmon fishery, mussel farm fishing are all man assisted and very good success stories. Massive numbers of fishermen come to NZ to catch photo and release our trout, king fish and marlin and blue fin tuna. A fresh self caught piece of snapper or blue cod off the boat straight to the local fish and chip shop and cooked would have to rate as the best fish and chips in the world. The most high end of diners who prefer sushi, know how fresh the fish is, many of our seaside restaurants have a seaside view - yet to access the fish at there door step is illegal. So the commercial fishery has complete Government support to export whole fish for another country to please its tourist trade, while our PM promotes milk powder. These tourist’s that fly in have a couple of suitcases and a loaded credit card. They leave behind a very small foot print if any. If the inshore fish were for local commercial trade and caught only with a long line then for the approved operator the task would be easy and lucrative. The off shore fishery has its quota increased as soon as somebody finds more fish. This stupid practice only keeps maximum pressure on the resource. Can’t see a problem with a resource that grows to a point that every year there is more than the last. This would only happen if the quota was dropped and left there.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 04:44:53 +0000

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