Our own Christine Dittmar Chalkey and her miracle son Jake are - TopicsExpress


Our own Christine Dittmar Chalkey and her miracle son Jake are featured in this video. They are just TWO of the VICTIMS of our former Democrat Governor Rod Blagoyevich who is now RIGHTFULLY INCARCERATED. This CRIMINAL ILLEGALLY expanded our Illinois Medicaid system to HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of new recipients WITHOUT ANY LEGISLATION PASSED WHATSOEVER. These new recipents had NO BUSINESS receiving those benefits. Worse yet, after Blago broke the law, Illinois CONTINUED to operate WITHOUT a TPA - Third Party Administrator - for YEARS. This meant that hundreds of thousands of new Medicaid recipients who were either ILLEGALS or who were never truly eligible were able to CONTINUE drain our Medicaid coffers with NO ACCOUNTABILITY. With NO ONE checking to see if they were even Illinois RESIDENTS or even American citizens! We had a pharmacist from Kentucky testify that some of her best customers were ILLINOIS Medicaid recipents! That is the type of FRAUD that was perpetrated on Illinois taxpayers and the most vulnerable in our society like Jake. THANK YOU Christine and Jake for speaking the TRUTH. If you think you cant make a difference. YOU. ARE. WRONG. There are REAL people who are defenseless victims of BIG UNACCOUNTABLE GOVERNMENT who need advocates! Thank God for brave, involved citizens like Christine and Jake and great organizations like the Foundation For Government Accountability. Like them on Facebook here > https://facebook/TheFGA
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 04:08:39 +0000

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