Our septic system needs to be replaced. Desperately. Of all of - TopicsExpress


Our septic system needs to be replaced. Desperately. Of all of our appliances, Im pretty sure our refrigerator is the only one that might last us into next year. Corbin is growing so fast that Im having trouble keeping him in pants that reach his ankles. He informed me as we were getting ready for church yesterday, that he no longer has shoes that dont hurt his toes. Again. Our vacuum broke 2 days ago. My cameras USB cable decided to stop working this morning. I may not be making much money as a photographer, but I sure put in my time volunteering. Our truck is acting funny again. Im a full time homeschool mother, which means preparing lessons and teaching 4 different grade levels, from 2nd grade up to 9th. Our house is old and small. I need a shower. I play piano for the worship band at church, and Im not afraid to admit that the Christmas music is kicking my butt. I have not purchased even one Christmas gift and its December 9th. Thats a first for me. I keep forgetting important stuff. Im the wife of an incredibly hard working man that volunteers almost as many hours as he works at his full time job. Im blessed by him. Im also very thankful to have him home at Christmastime for the first time in 4 years...but I miss him. There are several other things that I could add to this list, but, sorry facebook, theyre too personal ;) Why then, do I have this overwhelming sense of joy? Why was I not weeping while I was at the kitchen sink, at 6am, elbow deep in suds, trying to figure out what to fix for meals this week? My wonderfully gracious God. Thats the reason. He sent His one perfect Son to earth to take the form of a human baby, to walk among such imperfection, and ultimately surrender to death on a cross, for me. He loves me that much. I cant help it, Im smitten. Ill be honest, Ive felt overwhelmed. Ive not behaved as gracefully as Im sure He wouldve had me. But Im trying... Im trying. Hes worth it. Hes so patient and compassionate. His blessings keep coming, even when Im foolish. Hes so faithful. Im completely lost without Him. God, You are so good. Thank You.
Posted on: Mon, 09 Dec 2013 13:18:34 +0000

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