Out On The Pike Thursday, August 14, 2014 Never, never, - TopicsExpress


Out On The Pike Thursday, August 14, 2014 Never, never, never hurl yourself against the wall just to feel something because its better than feeling nothing at all. Of course I didnt do that but my body says it did. Ive actually seen people do just exactly that when I worked in a mental health hospital. Its more common than you think. Warren Zevon even sang about it. The open sentence is from his “Aint That Pretty.” Why is the world did I ever start with that? Oh, because of the hospital appointment yesterday. They did the x rays and that was painful. A bit more than I remembered. Out on the porch its 64f/17c, no wind, high humidity again, lots and lots of white fog on the ground, cloudy, and the sun is struggling to get out of bed here. It rained again sometime during the night. Interstate traffic is heavy and the pike if doing a normal business and Im waiting to hear the first racing event of the day to fire up. Gawain is chomping down his food out there and ignoring it all. He often comes in and spends the day with us but will go back outside in the afternoon. He doesnt like thunderstorms or when it gets cold outside. It would have been normal for him to throw his body against the lower panel of the storm door when he wants in. If he did so last night we never heard him. Mary had coffee setting on the desk when I sat down to type. Its good, and most of the first cup is gone and it hasnt even knocked the clouds out of my eyes much less firing up the old mental furnace. That means that it hasnt done anything to ease the unapproachable level. Sometimes I look in the bathroom mirror in the morning, see my reflection, and sneer. Yeah, its like that. Then again, maybe I exaggerate. Oh, it could be that the reflection is sneering at me I guess. Ill have to think on that one. Education can be strange. After school, universities in California, all the navy schools that I attended, and lessons learned from life I thought that I knew quite a bit. Then I went to Indiana University where I earned two degrees. What I found out while progressing through those programs that I found that what I thought I knew was nothing compared to what I didnt know. I know many, many people who tell me that they hate going to school. I would gladly fill the rest of my life being a student and I would be in bliss the entire time. I would especially like to complete and entire creative writing / liberal arts program. Listen to me prattle this morning. I dont care. Its good to be alive and hurling through space on an organic spaceship piloted by evolved apes. One of the things that keeps it a nice place to be is music and Im going to find something to listen to today. You already know my taste in music are eclectic and if not you will soon learn. Other than the routine there isnt anything that I know of planned for the day. Maybe we will make a trip to Connersville today, maybe Straughn, maybe both or maybe neither one. I need coffee and I need it now. Excuse me. Oh, I just plain forgot that we need to take out the trash, work on the drains, and put and new switch in the bathroom light fixture. None of those are that hard to do but I am not looking forward to working with plumbing. Thanks. Thats better. Mary is still reading the first book of the Game Of Thrones series and I and on the final chapter of two of America Gods. We havent seen anything new lately at the movies or TV. We did watch some of the old Twilight Zone series on Netflix and started watching the Star Trek: The Next Generation series in chronological order. I know that I missed many episodes. Thats my stop up ahead on the corner. Ill be getting off of the bus now and then going about my business for the day. May your day be rich is love, joy, happiness and blessings! Peace and love man, peace and love. Peace is like so far out, you know? namaste
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 12:11:02 +0000

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