Outbreaks in Violence during the Communist Parliament - TopicsExpress


Outbreaks in Violence during the Communist Parliament Meetings While the Communist Parliament meetings were taking place, violence was emerging throughout China. Since the Kunming killings on March 1, explosions, killings and subway stampedes subsequently occurred in Dongguan, Guilin and Guangzhou. On the opening day of the National Peoples Congress (NPC), self-immolation took place in Beijing; a bus fire in Jilin resulted in 10 deaths and 17 injured. These incidents have caused widespread panic in China. After the Kunming incident, special armed police patrolling had been implemented in many places in China. However, violent incidents continue to happen and spread throughout the nation. In the morning of March, the Jilin government announced a local bus caught on fire and resulted in 10 deaths and 17 injured. The investigation is undergoing. On the same day, a petitioners self-immolation took place in the heavily guarded Tiananmen Square at 11 am. Wang Jing, a Jilin petitioner: I ran over there when I noticed smoke and saw just the foam from the fire extinguisher. They blocked the scene and did the cleaning up. An eyewitness told Wang Jing that a 40-year-old female petitioner set fire to herself. About 5 to 6 security guards put out the fire. They pushed the self-immolated person to the police car and drove away. Former Professor of Shandong University, Sun Wenguang, disclosed that a few days ago, several petitioners had committed suicide by jumping off the building for their prolonged and unresolved grievances. Sun Wenguang, former Professor of Shandong University: It shows a lack of respect and the suppression of the Communist regime towards the people. The normal channels such as petitioning and filing lawsuits have been blocked, these petitioners have reached their tolerance threshold and are self-immolating. On the 5th March, at 2 pm, tens of thousands of petitioners gathered in the alley where the three major petition offices are located in Beijing. They wished to voice their grievances during the Parliament meetings. However, around 2,000 officials arrived to intercept their petitions and arrested the petitioners. Prior to the Communist Parliament meetings, violence erupted all over China. On the night of March 1, the massacre in Kunming resulted in 30 deaths and 143 were injured. The CCP quickly concluded this incident as a violent terrorist attack. On March 3, a restaurant explosion in Dongguan, Guangdong killed one and injured 31 people. People suspected the complexity of the explosion at the sensitive time of the Parliament meetings. On that same day, a stabbing of a female who was driving a BMW took place in Guilin, Guangxi. The suspect was said to be a Xinjiang native. According to a worker at the near by hotel, people have been panicking and the entire Guilin is tense after the murder. A curfew was imposed in major intersections. Mr. Zhang, hotel worker: There are guards everywhere. I do not allow Xinjiang natives to stay in the hotel because I was told not to allow them to stay and to report it if any Xinjiang native comes here. On the morning of March 4, five suspects were arrested, but no Xinjiang native. On the Morning of March 4, irritant gases in the Guangzhou subway Station led to chaos and many injured in the stampede. Guangzhou police informed that the gas came from the pepper spray bottle a female. Sun Wenguang points out that in recent years, there have been so many bloody incidents in China that people are highly stressed and shadowed with fear. Sun Wenguang: There are also people in China for lack of an appropriate avenue are relieving their grievances by conducting killings at the elementary school or kindergarten. The government should think about why it happened? Isnt it because all channels to express oneself, have been blocked? Anyone who protests is not only arrested, but also sentenced. Sun Wenguang points out that the Chinese people have been forced to defend their rights with their lives. He believes that the representatives of Parliament should demand to protect civil rights, and answer proper requests from the people. Otherwise, there will be more violence.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 17:54:46 +0000

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