Outside spending in Colorado has blanketed the airwaves with ads. - TopicsExpress


Outside spending in Colorado has blanketed the airwaves with ads. Those ads are more than just a nuisance -- they’re a disservice to our democracy. The post-Citizens United disclosure rules are damaging Coloradans’ right to know who’s trying to influence their votes. All the smoke and mirrors of those ads have taken their toll. Polls in the Colorado Senate campaign have become extremely close -- that’s the kind of movement you can expect when out of state and anonymous special interests spend $22 million on a single race. And we can expect this same barrage of special interest spending in our fight. The only way to stand up to the special interests is with grassroots action. Help us stay strong by contributing $5. Colorado has seen more than $22 million in spending from outside groups -- that’s in addition to the money individual candidates are raising and spending. Our elections are in danger of turning into auctions, and that’s simply not how a democracy is supposed to function. Elections are supposed to be about who has the best ideas for Colorado families, not who has the wealthiest donors. The big-money outside groups have spent enormous amounts of money on this year’s races. Time is running out for grassroots networks like ours to fight back. Stand up to the special interests who are trying to buy the Senate. Chip in $5 toward our $35,OOO goal before it’s too late. Thanks for your continued support. Michael Paid for by Bennet for Colorado Contributions or gifts to Bennet for Colorado are not tax deductible.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 21:27:50 +0000

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