Over three million people are taking part in a unity rally in - TopicsExpress


Over three million people are taking part in a unity rally in Paris. To which I say: just because it is done by many does not make it right. Islamist Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta, president of Muslim-dominant Mali (by a majority of 92.4%), is among the front-liners of the march, which is not nearly as horrifying as that both the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, who is renowned for terrorist funding, and worst of all Mahmoud Abbas - the Holocaust denying terrorist and Palestinian statesman - were invited to, and are attending, the march. They are walking side-by-side with marvelously eloquent speaker Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, who backs his words with zero fortitude. I am nearly too repulsed to commentate. Luckily, Naftali Bennett, hopefully Israels next Prime Minister in a mere couple of months, refused to attend the march. And his reasoning is precisely how I feel: If we want to fight terror, we have to call it by name. Both Abbas and the Emir of Qatar, who was also invited to the rally, have their hands full of the blood of terror. How can the West fight terror if it is willing to live with terror? He added that inviting such a person to an anti-terror event makes a farce of the whole thing. We have to wake up and call this what it is – not generic terror, but Islamic terror that is hitting us with full force. He concluded by stating that he is keen on fighting terror with every ounce of his being, and is welcoming to Israel with open arms any Jewish people who do not feel safe elsewhere. Everyone constantly preaches about how the global threat of terrorism needs to be eliminated, for it is a genuine threat to the existence of the world as we know it. Walking in a sensationalized march led by terrorists is not the way to do it. Perhaps a wiser, more effective way is by collapsing corrupt governments and electing new ones who will in fact fight terror as opposed to hold hands with its leaders. Just saying. #JeSuisJuif ✡
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 21:37:54 +0000

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