Overarching theme of today’s Zodiac readings… 1st Message - TopicsExpress


Overarching theme of today’s Zodiac readings… 1st Message is… Today is the day of introspection. We need to look inside us to know what is it that we want, we need to be clear about what we want, what is it that stops us from achieving it. Are we true and authentic to ourselves and our promises ? Are we determined to achieve our dreams and for that are we ready to leave our old ways of thinking and living ? When we get answers to these questions we will be able to find our path and walk it with confidence and faith. 2nd Message is… Another message is we need to face our fears head on coz if we keep on running away from our fears or insecurities it will pile up and one day it will blast and destruct everything that we may have built. But when we face our fears we may fail but definitely it will teach us something very important and it will also help us evolve and grow. Our hands may shake, we may trip while walking the path of fears but if we keep walking we will one day find our destination. 3rd Message is… We all need to embrace new experiences and opportunities even if it includes challenges. We need to be open to embrace unexpected events and situations as we may never know what it may bring to us like some may bring us financial bounty, new people who can change our life forever and fill it with love and happiness. We need to learn to be ready to experience new events and situations. 4th Message is … Some of us may feel drained, lethargic or low without any reason or may feel there is no reason left in life, no excitement to live fully. These may stem from previous emotions which we may have suppressed or hidden deep inside us. These bottled up emotions affect us and drain our energies. During this time it is better to spend alone and in solitude, in nature and release it freely so that we feel refreshed and energetic. 5th Message is… Life is never at stand still it keep changing and flowing at its own pace and never stops for anyone. We need to learn to accept this and flow with it. When we let go and LET GOD handle everything the outcome will be amazing than what normally we expect. Divine knows better than us what is good and for highest benefits. If we rely on universe the bounties it will shower on us will be amazingly glorious. I hope these messages will shed some light on your queries. Do let me know how these messages resonate with you all….
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 21:40:00 +0000

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