P...L...E...A...S...E R...E...A....D T...H...I...S... I - TopicsExpress


P...L...E...A...S...E R...E...A....D T...H...I...S... I just found out that my sister in law Karen had a very severe heart attack so bad that the doctor she has is going to have every other doctors know about her heart attack and study how to fix and treat it. This heart attack is to our knowledge never happend and by all rights she should be Dead!!! According to the doctor.. She felt a pain in her chest like most people know. but she thought it was from some back pain she had. She went and sat down but it only got worse so she took some asprins. Then she did not feel right. So she called her daughter even thou she had an emergency button for just such an emergency. The daughter told her to push the button but she did not. The daughter came and rushed her to the hospital. The doctors could not believe what they found while examining her. They were stunnned and puzzled... The doctors gave them both heck for not calling the ambulance.. What the doctors found was that when she had her heart attack her heart beat so hard that it tore a hole in it. They have never ever seen or heard of it. Now they had to figure out if they should plug it or try to repair it... So they did a procedure that they did something with her leg. She was out of it and cant remember what they did.. She does remember that after the doctor did it she was not allowed or able to move for two weeks, She had surgery and she said she seen my brothers face with this look and she told him she was not ready to go she wanted to stay. My brother died in April 21 2005. It scared her really bad. I am so very happy to report that she since the surgery is in an assisted living untill she can get better. She has been their one month already.. She told me she did not want me to know untill it was all over and she was home. That is why i did not know about it till today. I was so busy with the moving and house i did not get time to call her i had told her about the house. I did not get the chance to get her the phone number. I am so glad that she is alright. Thank you God and Thank you Jesus, for giving her. her life back. in the name of Jesus i pray. She got to go home but her stairs are straight up and she had a bit of trouble going up them so she will be in the assisted living longer than she wants to be.. But it is probably the best thing for her till she is good enough to go home. This is one really tough lady to be able to come back from what she has gone through. Wlll you all PLEASE say your prayers for her recovery for me.. She really could use them right now. Thank you all so very much. God bless each and everyone of you who will keep her in your prayers till she is well again... Thank you my dearest friends & family for your help... Love to all of you.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 05:08:50 +0000

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