P.S. Please read until the end, itll be worth it :) How time - TopicsExpress


P.S. Please read until the end, itll be worth it :) How time really poof and voila, were at Week 12 already! Many thanks to all of you who turned up last week for the carol singing with our brothers and sisters in Christian Union and then for the notes-of-encouragement-writing. Just as you go out to distribute the notes to encourage others, I pray that in return, youll be encouraged and reminded of God, who is bigger than everything else, whose goodness and faithfulness are never-changing. Heres a verse to encourage you especially in this season of time (we call it November Fever) where everybody begins to feel overwhelmed by the workload of assignments, revision, exams etc. Psalm 61:2 From the end of the earth I will cry to You, When my heart is overwhelmed; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I. Heres a 2-minute video (consider it as a break from your studies :p) which I hope can motivate you to persevere and keep going :D youtube/watch?v=Nw2piDRYk1g On a brighter note, see how St. Stephens Green is lined with stalls and Grafton Street and Henry Street are decorated with beautiful Christmas-y lights? Yes, Christmas is just round the corner! A couple of events are lined up exclusively for you, do check them out below. 1. Christmas Carol Service Joy to the world, the Lord is come! Let earth receive her King! Let every heart prepare Him room, And Heaven and nature sing, And Heaven and nature sing, And Heaven and nature sing! Its that time of the year again! Christmas is coming! This year, we will be hosting the annual UCD Christmas Carol Service alongside our brothers and sisters of UCD Newman Society and Christian Union. Join us as we unwrap the greatest gift of Christmas of all time - Jesus Himself! Save the date, its tomorrow! Free refreshments will be provided! Bring your friends, the more the merrier! :) Date: 25 November 2014 Day: Tuesday Time: 6.30pm Venue: St. Stephens Chaplaincy Facebook event: https://facebook/events/815339858486725/?ref=22 2. Final Livingstones meet of the semester/year! Since its the final one of the semester/year, we thought well do something different, well have a potluck this time! Please bring a dish to be shared with the rest, it doesnt have to be something expensive or huge (P.S. international cuisine is strongly encouraged so that we can have a taste of the cultures from which others come from :D). Itll be a great time of reflection about the entire semester, how God brought us through it all, how all of us have matured and grown in one way or another by learning off each other and thanksgiving to God for His abundant love, grace, mercy and faithfulness throughout the entire semester. Before all of us break off for our study week which can be a period of intense studying hehehe, why not take some time off your studies to recharge maybe by sharing your concerns with the rest of us who probably have or are experiencing what you are going through and then followed by prayer and exchange words of encouragement :) Remember, youre not in this alone! ^_^ For those whom we have not seen for a period of time now, we would love to catch up with you on whats going on with you life before all of us disperse for study week. Come one, come all! :) Its the last meeting of the semester and also the year, we might be bidding farewell to some of our members who are only on exchange for a semester here in UCD, so yeah... please come! We look forward to see you! Details are as follows: Date: 26 November 2014 Day: Wednesday Time: 6.30pm Venue: St. Stephens Chaplaincy Facebook event: https://facebook/events/496203910521844/ Please indicate your attendance so that we can ensure that food is enough for everyone :D 3. Food4Soul, Food4Body Thanksgiving UCD Chaplaincy will be holding an ecumenical event on Thanksgiving Day, which includes a time for reflection and prayers in the contemplation room, followed by a time for food and fellowship in the function room. It is aimed at fostering unity among Christians as we pray together in thanksgiving for the blessings we have attained. Details are as follows: Date: 27th November 2014 Day: Thursday Time: 6pm Venue: St. Stephens Chaplaincy Three events, all in St. Stephens Chaplaincy, 6.30pm (Except for the third event which begins at 6pm). Easy enough to remember right? We hope to see you at these events, hopefully you can make it for at least one of these if not all :D Happy Monday! I know... Monday blues... But hey, lets not slide into that, turn your Monday into an awesome day instead. May your Monday blues slide away with your morning coffee :) Have a nice week ahead too :) God bless! Looking forward to see you! *excited*
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 02:59:56 +0000

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