PALAWAN STATE UNIVERSITY SOUTH CAMPUSES Tracer and Employability Study of PSU South Campuses 2009-2013 Dear Respondent: This investigation aims to determine the whereabouts and occupational status of PSU- South campuses gr graduates from year 2009-2013. Hence, we should determine the relevance of the PSU South Campuses curicular offering to the demands / needs of the market. Please give your most candid and thorough response to the questions below. Rest assured that the information you should share here is confidential. Thank you for taking time and effort to respond to this questionnaire. PSU -SOUTH campuses Research Devt. Council I . Personal Profile 1. Name:___________ 2. Age:_____________ 3. Gender____________ 4. Civil Status:___________ 5. Name of a child_________ 6. Permanent Address:________ 7. Contact Number:__________ 8. Email Adress 9. Were you married during your stay in college 10_______ yr. graduated in elem. __________ yr. Graduated in High school __________ yr graduated in collge 11. Any service eligibility? 12.Were you beneficiary / recipient of any scholarship/ sponsorship program during your stay in college __________________ Specify 13. Did you turn out to be working student? III. Socio- Economic Profile 14. Indicate the type of your residence? Owned? Rented? Rent to own? 15. Do you have any real properties? Please specify: ( Commercial, industrial, agricultural?__________ 16. What is your present work position:_______________ 17. Write your job specification 18. Write the full name of your present employer/ company_______ office adress:__________________________ Tel. No.________________________________ 19. in case you are working , what is your present work condition, are you employed or underemployed? 20____________________ current monthly income Please complete the details below if you are managing your own business 21. Name of business:__________________ 22. Your designation:________________________ 23. identify the form of org. Sole___ partnership ____ corporation____ 24.Description of your own products_______ IV. Relevance of OJT experiences from college to succeeding job? 22. Does your course in collge provide OJT program______ 23. How much practical knowledge have you gained from the course? 24. Is your present company/ employer the same where you have undergone your OJT in college? 25. Using scale 1 to 10 , ten is the highest how will you rate the importance of OJT?_____________________ V. Suggestions and Recommendations: Are there any ways that the school could help to enhance graduate competency in your field of specialization?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Write your suggestions: Any other comments and Suggestions To all graduates of PSU Bataraza MET and BSBA please answer this questionnaire. Kindly P.M me for your answer. sa mga hindi ko friend sa Fb just P.M me. thank you for your cooperation 2009-2013 graduates
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 03:57:38 +0000

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