PART 8: AND FINAL PART OF THE TRUTH ABOUT JESUS By Kathryn E May........ JESUS SANANDA - AUTOBIOGRAPHY AND NEW SCRIPTURES I was also a healer, as I am still. Physical suffering caused by illness and disability has long been aggravated by poor diet, overcrowding and toxic environmental conditions. I wished to alleviate the unnecessary pain of physical illness because it tends to leave people exhausted and desperate. They do turn to God for solace and healing, and once they do, I want to bring them the relief and joy that comes with healing. This is the reason I am working with so many Lightworkers who are healers now. It is time for all of Mother Earths beings to heal, and for Mother Earth to restore herself after the millennia of abuse at the hands of humankind. It is time for the Grand Awakening to the Truth that all are One. There is no individual, no animal, no tree which is not inherently connected through the fiber of their being to every other being. A tree feels pain when it is cut; it deserves to be honored and respected when it is used to build a house. Better yet, the technology to completely avoid the use of forest products is available and will soon be brought to Earth by your Galactic Brothers and Sisters. What sort of thinking is required to cause an entire civilization to deplete and devastate its home, the source of all they need for survival? I believe it is the same Darkness which feeds self-hatred and hatred of others not like oneself. That festering hatred has flowed throughout the relationships between humankind and their companions on Earth, creating a poisonous atmosphere in which animals turned on each other and began to fight and eat each other. As the vibration of Love courses across the planet, lifting hearts and minds, the animals will respond by feeling and behaving as brothers to one another. Eventually, all the Kingdoms of Earth will join humankind in harmony and Love, and eating one another will be a thing of the past. Human bodies are evolving to be nourished by a vegetable and fruit diet, and the animals will change along with you. It has already begun, for both humans and animals. The same pervasive effect applies to your weather, for the consciousness of humankind stirs the same violence in the weather patterns as it does in the animal Kingdom. Mother Earth is now accomplishing her cleansing and restoration to the pure Eden of her beginnings. Humankind will either be disrupted and overwhelmed by the violence of her reactions, or you will raise your vibration higher by the day, thereby mitigating the effects of her self-protective actions. I tell you these things about the current developments on Earth because, you see, my work with humanity never ended. I passed from the experience of life in a body in the 3rd dimension directly to the 5th dimension. Understand, I did ascend, taking my body with me, just as you will do. This part of the Biblical story is partially true. It was called a resurrection, which is not as accurate a description as ascension. I not only came back to life, but I raised my body with me into higher dimensions. Those of us who have accomplished this will now have a body available to us when we wish to return to Earth, without having to go through the birth and childhood process. I offer you this brief outline of my life to reveal to you the most destructive of the ideas which were presented as if they were mine, as if they represented the Truths as they apply to our Creator and his relationship to us. There is much more I could tell, but I wished only to point to the most egregious falsehoods - those which created the biggest distortions to the Truth of our relationship to Prime Creator and the Company of Heaven, all of whom are here to assist you now in your coming Ascension. I suggest that you read this autobiographical message in the context of the earlier channeled messages from Mother/Father God, the Creators of the Milky Way Galaxy, who have given you a much more extensive and detailed description. It was channeled earlier by our dear Kathryn, and it is called When God Pinched My Toe. They provide the opportunity to feel how we work together with other Ascended Masters to accomplish this glorious and historic Ascension process. You will hear the Love in their voices and the Truth of their words, which are completely in alignment with my own. I believe you will come to feel the great Love we have for you, and the Love I have carried in my heart for all these eons. When others had given up on the humans of Planet Earth, my Faith and my Love remained strong, and I have now been proven right in my faith that together, we will realize the Dream, and accomplish the greatest challenge ever undertaken in the history of the Universe. I Love you all. We are One, inseparable as the wind and the leaf, forever and always. I am your Jesus/Sananda, together with all the Company of Heaven. Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, January 7, 2014, 8 PM, Los Angeles, CA
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 08:33:11 +0000

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