PART IV: PRESS STATEMENT: BANNING GENDER-NEUTRAL AND HERETICAL BIBLES IN PATRIARCHALIST CHRISTIANITY BIBLE TRANSLATION: The Message COPYRIGHT OWNER: According to Wikipedia Copyright 2002 Eugene H. Peterson... DOCTRINAL STATUS: The best that one could say of this book is that it is a laughable caricature of the bible. It totally falsifies the bible in letter as in spirit, and not the least by a vulgar demeaning of language that discloses a mind that is as shallow as it is coarsely juvenile --- a mind totally lacking the intelligent knowledge of the imperative necessity of exalted language for amanuensing divine thought. Only a bible scholar of the coarsest pagan mentality could have produced such a spiritually repulsive thing as this worthless and vulgar comic book. IT MOST CERTAINLY IS NOT THE CHRISTIAN BIBLE. Quite evidently, the translator and copyright owner produced this comic book for the purpose of using it as an entertainment manual for the foolish masses. In fact to waste time analyzing this worthless comic book is to show oneself utterly lacking in wisdom. But before we turn away from this foolish product from a foolish mind, we must say that the person said to have produced it most definitely is not a true Christian, is not a child of God, is not indwelt by the Holy Spirit, is not a servant of Christ, but is a pagan that cloaks himself as a Christian and a pastor. To the extent that his pagan mind is shallow and foolish is the extent to which this foolish comic book reflects all that. And it comes as no surprise to learn that the man that produced this worthless comic book is said to have served as a pastor in one of the most apostate of denominations in America, the Presbyterian Church USA. AUTHORIZED OR NON-AUTHORIZED: NON-AUTHORIZED ...................................................................... NOTE: The following bibles shall be constitutionally banned for use in Patriarchalist Christian churches and denominations because: (1) they were produced with a deliberate aim to change many of the Holy Spirit-breathed and inspired words that makes the Christian bible the WORD OF GOD and substitute the divinely inspired words breathed by the Holy Spirit with words that originated from the Satan-imaged pagan minds of humans, thus basically rendering them no more as the trustworthy divinely inspired and authored Word of God but a humanist and feminist deformed text that no longer has the fullness of the divinely inspired words that have power for the spiritual regeneration of sinful human heart. Because of the extensive substitution of words authored by God the Holy Spirit with words produced by the pagan minds of feminists, these heretical bibles no longer have the God-imbued textual and spiritual power to enable a proper and full comprehension of the being and attributes of the triune God, the complementary gender order under the headship of the human male that he created and the purpose for its creation, and his salvational plans and purposes for mankind. More precisely, they will be constitutionally prohibited for use in Patriarchalist Christianity because feminists that have gone into a full-blown Satan-inspired rebellion against the patriarchal God of the Holy Christian bible and are seeking his theological overthrow and supplanting with a genderless or gender-neutral feminist-pagan god, have done extensive violence to the patriarchal image of God the Father and God the Son, Christ in the bible by basically wiping out words that attest to the maleness of their being and substituting them with words that depict them as genderless. (2) they were produced by pseudoChristian organizations such as the National Council of Churches, which are basically feminist-humanist pagan bodies that masquerade as Christian groups and whose long-running aim has been to destroy biblical Christianity and replace it with ecumenical pseudoChristianity. Many of the bible scholars that contributed in the translation of these heretical feminist and humanist bibles although they describe themselves and are described by others as Christians are not true believers in Christ but false Christian professors and theological servants of Satan. For it is impossible for a true believer in Christ and son of God in whom inhabits the Spirit of truth who inspired and authored the Word of God to join cause with Satan the arch-enemy of God and and a pagan intellectual world under the sway of Satan and with an implacable hostility toward Christ to deform and debase the Spirit-breathed salvific words of holy scripture. Further, Patriarchalist Christianity shall constitutionally ban the use in all Patriarchalist Christian churches and denominations of all these gender-neutral feminist bibles to protect doctrinally vulnerable and immature true Christian believers who because of their doctrinal immaturity may not be able to discern the human and non-divine origins of the extensive textual changes made by the feminists and humanists who undertook the translation, and who therefore will in using these feminist gender-neutral bibles be feeding their mind and spirit with heretical falsehoods that can in no wise help them grow in true knowledge of the being and attributes of God and of the salvational truths he authored in the original patriarchalist texts of the bible and preserved in correctly translated versions of the bible such as the King James Bible and the New King James Version. To help the general public understand the extreme seriousness of the violence done to the true image of the being and attributes of God and his salvational gender order under the headship of the male, we present below an excerpt of an anyalysis done on these heretical feminist bibles by sound theologians, demonstrating that the textual deformations done by the feminist and humanist scholars were so extensive as to basically render these heretical bibles totally incapable of aiding a true and full comprehension of the being and attributes of God, the gender order and his salvational plans and purposes for lost mankind. --- A computer analysis can show us the extent of other word changes, at least for the NRSV. The word father (including plural and possessive forms) occurs 601 fewer times in the NRSV than in the RSV. The word son occurs 181 fewer times (including the loss of son of man 106 times in the Old Testament). The word brother occurs 71 fewer times. Coupled with the loss of he, him, his (3,408 times where it is dropped or changed to you or we or they ) and the loss of man (over 300 times where it is changed to human or mortal, mortals ), this drive for gender-neutral language has resulted in unnecessary introductions of inaccuracy in over 4,500 places in the Bible. --- Wayne Grudem, Christianity Today. (Websource: ...................................................................... THE CRITERIA FOR DISAPPROVAL OF BIBLE VERSIONS: --a) Bibles that have gender-neutral language, aimed at de-patriarchalizingits language in order to appeal to feminists --b) Bibles that were translated by liberals with an agenda to undermine or deny the fundamental salvational tenets of the bible such as the divinity of Christ, his virgin birth, his resurrection, the miracles in the bible, etc. --c) Bibles that were translated with a view to appeal commercially to the masses at the expense of the integrity of the message of the bible and Its exalted language *A FIRST PROVISIONAL LIST OF VERSIONS OF THE BIBLE THAT SHALL BE APPROVED FOR USE IN PATRIARCHALIST CHRISTIANITY ---A) APPROVED FOR USE: -- Authorized King James Version -- The New King James Version -- A Future King James- and NKJV-like Version that shall be translated and widely used by Patriarchalist Christianity alongside the King James and NKJV versions. --- ETC B) DISAPPROVED FOR USE: --- The New International Version ---Todays New International Version --- The Living Bible ---The New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) ---the New Living Translation (NLT) ---the New Century Version (NCV) ---the Contemporary English Version (CEV) --- The New International Version-Inclusive Language Edition (NIVI) *NOTE: OF COURSE the definitive list of bible versions approved for use in Patriarchalist Christianity shall be made by the BIBLE STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE. The above list is merely an indication.... ...................................................................... Thus, from the foregoing, it becomes quickly evident that most of the topselling and most widely used bibles in America and most possibly other nations are bible translations and versions that were translated and produced by Christian-claiming denominations and organizations but which are in fact pagan entities by doctrinal, theological and moral standards. These pseudoChristian denominations and organizations and their affiliated commercial partners control both the intellectual copyright and commercial distribution rights of these dominant bible translations and versions. This means that they can falsify these bible translations and versions as much as they want, which falsification they have been doing for many generations now. Thus Christianity finds itself in the most dangerous situation of depending greatly on falsified bible translations and versions controlled by its pagan adversaries and spiritual and theological servants of Satan for the undertaking of the work of global evangelization and discipleship mandated to it by its Lord, Jesus Christ. In other words, Satan, operating across centuries has manoeuvered Christianity into a trap--- the trap being the afore-stated dependence on falsified bible translations and version produced by false Christian theologians and true servants of Satan. The only way out of that snare is for Patriarchalist Christianity to TOTALLY repudiate ALL these falsified bibles produced by these apostate or apostatizing Christian-claiming denominations and entities including the New International Version, the New Living Translation and so forth and authorize use of only the King James Version and non-commercial versions and translations that are not under the intellectual copyright control of apostate Christian-claiming denominations and organizations or commercial entities such as commercial publishing companies, whether self-labeled Christian or not. If in addition to the venerable King James Version Patriarchalist Christianity needs other bible translations, it can, through its own God-fearing theologians of the highest academic and spiritual standards, produce translations that will be greatly superior in every aspect to all the translations and versions translated, produced and controlled by apostate or apostatizing Christian-claiming denominations and entities and pagan commercial companies. But the time has now come for Patriarchalist Christianity to leave these deliberately falsified bible translations and gender-inclusive versions to the pseudoChristians and pagans who produced them, and the hordes, the millions, the tens of millions, in fact the hundreds of millions of falsehood-addicted Christian masses and self-attested spiritual children of Satan and their Satan-commissioned spiritual ministers who knowingly choose to use these falsified bibles in place of doctrinally sound ones such as the King James Version. What these hundreds of millions of false Christians in the United States and other nations use as biblical text is not any concern of true believers any more than what they teach as false doctrine is a matter of concern to the true children of God and servants of Christ. WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY ABOUT THE INFLUENCE OF THE KING JAMES VERSION ON THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE: A FEW SAMPLES OF THE LAUDATORY OPINIONS --- According to English Historian, Professor Samuel Rawson Gardiner in all study of English literature, if there be any one axiom which may be accepted without question, it is that the ultimate standard of English prose style is set by the King James version of the Bible. (Websource: bible-researcher) ---The British Broadcasting Corporation, BBC: No other book, or indeed any piece of culture, seems to have influenced the English language as much as the King James Bible. Its turns of phrase have permeated the everyday language of English speakers, whether or not theyve ever opened a copy. (Websource: --- The Guardian, London: Any day now the English-speaking world will start to celebrate a number one bestseller of UNPRECEDENTED literary significance.. ... the King James Bible . As well as selling an estimated 1bn copies since 1611, the KJB went straight into our literary bloodstream like a lifesaving drug. (emphasis added) (Websource: theguardian/books/2010/nov/21/king-james-bible-english-language) --- British theologian theologian Alister McGrath described the King James Bible as a model English text, which can be studied as a landmark in the history of the English language, and is to be seen as a major influence on English literature. (Websource: Via: --- Noah Webster, father of the influential dictionary that bears his name: The language of the Bible has no inconsiderable influence in forming and preserving our national [American] language. (Websource: Via: --- Professor James Hedges, Professor of English Emeritus: Oxford atheist Richard Dawkins, who in The God Delusion denies the God of the Bible but insists we should remain acquainted with KJV phraseology and imagery in order to understand our cultural past, cites more than 100 expressions to underscore its pervasive presence, from signs of the times, to grapes of wrath, to no peace for the wicked. (Websource: NO PLETHORA OF BIBLE TRANSLATIONS AND VERSIONS IN PATRIARCHALIST CHRISTIANITY There shall not be replicated in Patriarchalist Christianity the babel of bible versions and translations that characterized European and American-style Christianity for multiple generations, and which biblical babel has been greatly responsible for sundering spiritual and doctrinal unity among Christians and inundating it with all manner of heresies, including the attempted feminist castration of God. The official position of Patriarchalist Christianity that shall be adopted by patriarchalist Christian churches and denominations is that the major common unifying bible of public instruction in patriarchalist Christianity worldwide shall be the venerable King James Version. In addition, one or two more superb King James Version-like translations necessary to satisfy the more theologically exigent sensibilities of the more theological mature members of patriarchal Christianity shall be produced in addition to the production of another King James Version-like translation more understandable for younger people but retaining the fullness of the exalted and beautiful language of the King James Version --- all of which shall be produced by the greatest God-fearing bible scholars God shall endow patriarchalist Christianity with. The beautiful and exalted language of the King James Version shall never be dated. This is because that which is given true beauty and nobility by the Creator of beauty such as the language of the King James Version can never lose its beauty and relevance. Its beauty and relevance are timeless, transcend time, and only shallow minds of the common, pedestrian type can find such divinely endowed beauty and nobility outdated merely because of the use of terms such as thee or thou. What is also lost in the debate regarding the relevance of the language of the KJV in these modern times is that the drift, experienced during the feminist-matriarchal era, toward the vulgarization and infantilization of language in religion and all aspects of culture, will be halted and reversed in the coming patriarchal era. It is quite simple to understand why language was so badly mutilated through coarsening and infantilization during the feminist-matriarchalist era. It was simply because it was an era in which it was mostly women and young people who controlled culture and the means for expressing and developing it, language. Typically, young people and females use language either more frivolously or coarsely than mature men. (Note: It could not be otherwise, because throughout history men, not merely MALES, but MEN, mature males, have always been the guardians, the custodians of language in most cultures across the world. The lexicon that envelopes the thousands of words that form the language of any people as well as the syntax and grammatical rules of the language and the verbal etiquette governing the use of the language were formed and standardized mostly by men who, across millenia or centuries or generations, ruled that culture as community, social, vocational, educational and religious leaders. For it needs to be understood that it was mostly in the most patriarchal eras of history in the ancient past that the basic content and structure of most languages on earth were determined and set.) In the patriarchalist era, men, men of high culture and intelligence will take back control of culture and language from women and young people in the academia, the educational system, the media, religion, government, music and the arts and so forth. The effect on language will be profound and enduring. It will bring about a dramatic elevation of standards in both the popular and academic world and in every aspect of language including written and spoken grammar, lexicon and so forth. Features of elevated language that largely were lost as a result of the control of it by women and young people such as politeness, correct grammatical usage and respect of verbal etiquette will be recovered in both written and spoken forms. Coarse aspects of language such as slangs, obscenity and profanity that were adopted during the matriarchalist period will be largely purged out. In the educational system, from kindergarten to university level, young people will be introduced to and immersed academically in the highest and purest forms of language in instruction in all academic disciplines and verbal interaction between students and students and with teachers. The same elevated use of language will also be pervasive in the media world, arts and culture and every other aspect of life. The cumulative effect over time will be a greatly dramatic restoration of formality and etiquette in the use of language and not just among the middle and upper classes but also among the lower ones as well. This restoration of formality and etiquette in the use of language and the consequent elevation of the standards of written and spoken language will greatly raise the comfort level of people with elevated language as used in all contexts, including its use in the King James Bible. It needs to be understood that the claimed discomfort of modern people, especially the younger generations with the JKB was not really because of its so-called archaic language but rather because of the collapse of formality and etiquette, and adoption of informality and outright coarseness in language use by modern people, In any case, as has already been mentioned to prevent the replication of the babel of bible translations and versions in it, Patriarchalist Christianity shall have a global centralized bible translation and version authorizing body, comprising the most eminent bible scholars from all over the world, and only this global body shall have the authority to authorize the translation of bibles and production of versions that shall be put in public use in Patriarchalist Christianity. ......................................................................
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 20:37:47 +0000

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