PASTORS AND LEADERS MEETING: INTRODUCTION NELSPRUIT CRUSADE 06 FEBRUARY 2014 We come together because we need one another. I cannot make it without you and you cannot make it without me. This is the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. The bible says; two are better than one. Today, Jesus needs people who are bold enough - God has given us what is enough. I believe from these meetings we will not remain the same - there is an impartation. I am confident of that because I have seen Ministers and God using them mightily even as young as twenty (20) year olds. You may be here and say; “I am old and have never experienced this”; but this is your time. We are here to be blessed; so I thank you very much for coming. Some of you have only seen me on TV and have heard of me through the media; but even those who do not believe, they’ve just come. I have heard so many people criticize me through their testimonies, but I have no choice but to remain meek. What I can tell you is; “this is the power of the Holy Spirit at work.” They speak in the media but no one can come and identify, but if you identify - come and cast out. Let’s see, and after that - I will stand up. Temptation is there, but it is the spirit that causes temptations to speak. Many are preaching in their churches from the Newspapers and not the Bible - preach from the Bible. Don’t say; ‘’grass!”’ because it means in the “grass”, there is a mixture of shrubs. If you believe, you will drink poison and pick up snakes and still remain. Sunday they were still eating mixture and they were happy and no one got sick. People have been eating this since 2011; it’s just that the media is waking up now. The media is still coming and we do not restrict anyone, but I say; “you are bold to come to my meeting, many think twice before coming.” Some of the media people were affected, they tried to write but they could not because they were affected. 31st January God began to speak and say; God loves your country - meaning your church. All eyes will be upon your church especially your Prophet! And four (4) days later, news was all over our country and on the seventh (7) day it was all over the earth. Since the miracle in the times of Jesus; there has not been a miracle such as this; that is why it has to be all over the world. You are here, you are bold - many talk when they are far away. God is here, the world now - this year 2014 will experience something never experienced before. Creation has been waiting for the manifestation of the true sons of God. The new covenant is the body and the blood of Jesus Christ, but it amazes you because it is new to you, the body – it is UNKNOWN. Something new will begin to happen through you. Some people criticize the anointing they themselves have, it is in you but you reject it. If I do not explain this I will be robbing you. Anybody can come and deliver me - come test the spirit - you are allowed. Can everybody stand up and say; “OUT!” If it is the Spirit that must speak - you are led by God - then you are sent. God says; “whom shall we send?” So, you are sent and you are sent by the Spirit and if you wrong; it means you were not sent or led. I am happy and I do not know why God chose me - I am just happy. I have a mother who prays for me and God chose her to bring me into the world. [The man of God narrates prophesy of his birth; you are welcomed to read the about it here on facebook “about us” and on our website,]. This is a sign which will be spoken against and I will remain with meekness. It is time people move with real power. I believe I had to tell you a bit of this before we preach and you have beautiful grass out there. God brought the divine in this country because God knows the constitution of this country. I will never be in jail. Thank you so much for you boldness, we thank God for your coming. If there is no food in your house don’t worry you have a garden. Did you see what Moses did? The rod turned into a snake! But when Lesego does it; its witchcraft. When the Red Sea parted they thought it was witchcraft, but they passed anyway and it means they passed through witchcraft and they were saved. If you want the truth; go to Rabboni TV Channel and watch the real truth revealed. Many criticize from the media not even from the Bible. We have allowed Media Companies to come; but if they twist the truth - they are in trouble. So we are going into the Word and not the world. Many churches have been preaching about me instead of the One above and when you are preaching a Newspaper - you are exposing your weakness as a Minister. I love the Word - God sees to it that He performs His Word. Many are afraid to preach this because they are afraid of persecution. But Paul says; “share with me in my sufferings so that the gospel we preach may expose you.” Many men of God fight because they compete with one another, they do not fellowship with one another and this means - we deprive the world of knowing the Lord.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Feb 2014 11:27:40 +0000

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