PATRIARCHAL ELECTION [II]: THE SYRIAN ORTHODOX PATRIARCHATE HAS ALREADY BEEN HIJACKED, WHILE THE FAVOURITE KIDNAPPED CANDIDATE IS BEING RELEASED Further to our first letter entitled, ‘PATRIARCHAL ELECTION [I]: THE SYRIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH AT CROSSROADS: WORRYING MOMENTS OF RECKONING’, we forecasted, explained, and we reiterate that the election should not be rushed at any rate. The fight over the Patriarchate has begun, alas, disrespectfully to the process of the funeral of the late Patriarch, thrice blessed, Mor Ignatius Zakka I Iwas. The college of Bishops, as anticipated, is gravely divided into two rival factions: (A) Those who strive for ‘Personal Agenda and Benefit’, and (B) those who strive for ‘Collective Benefit of the Entire Church’. The late Patriarch, is, as we write (Friday, 28 March 2014), on the way to Damascus (Maraat Saidnaya), for his final resting place. We regret to say, that an intense power struggle, behind the scenes, has already taken an ugly full form. Mor Severus Hawa, Metropolitan of Baghdad, has already been appointed to be the Locum Tenens (Qaimaqam), with the pretext condition to facilitate a swift patriarchal election within a few days. A compromise, which will bear severe negative consequences on the Qaimaqam, and on the future of the Church. On Wednesday 26 March 2014, the official negotiator, in the case of the kidnapped Metropolitans of Aleppo, Mor Gregorios Yohanna Ibrahim and Mor Bolous Yazigi, briefed the college of Bishops about the recent advancements on the situation of the favourite Patriarchal candidate, Mor Gregorios Yohanna Ibrahim, who is still held captive against his will. The negotiator emphasised that the kidnapped Metropolitans are alive, and that the negation of their case has reached its final stage, with their release currently being concluded. Absent Candidate: Mor Gregorios Yohanna Ibrahim’s performance track-record and history confirm his natural ability to lead the Church through this challenging modern times. A natural and gifted leader who has managed the Syrian Orthodox Aleppian community, which comes from two prominent backgrounds. He has been a pilot in the challenging arenas of ecumenical and interfaith relations. He is the official representative, who has put the Syrian Orthodox Church on the Christian map for the last four decades. A shepherd who did not abandon his flock at the most difficult time of the Syrian Civil War, instead heroically, he put his life in danger to save other souls in need and difficulties. The list is endless… These are obvious requirements to the prospective new Patriarch for the Syrian Orthodox Church for this era! Mor Gregorios can confidently attribute the following Gospel citation to himself: “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. The hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it.” John 10:11-12 Personal Agenda and Benefit (Faction A): The optimistic message, as mentioned above, by the official negotiator, should have injected calmness to the situation, and discouraged and deterred a rushed, unsafe and an unfair election. Despite all this, faction A of Bishops, ironically, clinched a deal with Mor Severus Hawa, by agreeing to his appointment as the Qaimaqam, twisting his hand with the negative impact by implement the condition of hastening the election. They are trivialising their argument emphasising that they do not want to incur extra travelling expenses by calling the bishops to another synod in due course. It is shocking to see senior members of the church using such a materialistic approach in such a crucial historical moment. This calculated plan is very clearly plotted with the devise to exclude the favourite candidate from becoming the successful succeeding Patriarch of the Syrian Orthodox Church. Faction A has already threatened to split the Church if the election does not follow the stages they have set out, within the time frame of a few days. They also base their argument on the following tenuous article of the Syrian Orthodox Church Constitution, “Article 33. The Patriarchal Locum Tenens will summon His Beatitude the Catholicos and the Metropolitans, who are members of the Holy Synod, to elect the new Patriarch within a period not to exceed thirty days. They are required to appear in the set date. If anyone fails to be present due to a legitimate reason, he should cast his vote in a formal, sealed and confidential letter, electing whomever he prefers, otherwise he loses his vote.” Collective Benefit of the Entire Church (Faction B): Faction B of the Bishops found themselves in a difficult, vulnerable spiritual and ethical position, as they conscientiously do not want the Church to split. The unity, integrity, strong presence, and continuity of the Church is their outmost priority. At the same time, having heard the optimistic update, from the official negotiator, regarding Mor Gregorios Yohanna Ibrahim, they are ethically not at ease to rush the election. They want to be allowed time to digest the information to make an informed- rather than a regretful decision. They counter-argue on the basis of the following article of the Syrian Orthodox Church Constitution: “Article 42. The Holy Synod will designate the nearest holiday, or Sunday, following the fortieth day memorial prayer for the departing Patriarch, to conduct the inauguration ceremonies for the new Patriarch. The Archdioceses will be notified to attend the inauguration celebration. Likewise, the local civilian authorities and heads of the other religious denominations will be informed.” Faction B of the Bishops have now proposed, and are justly insisting on having the absent candidate, Mor Gregorios Yohanna Ibrahim, as one of the nominated candidates in the election, if it is to be rushed. Our Plea and Explanation of the Syrian Orthodox Church Constitution: Article 33 was implemented in the last revision of 26 September 1998, while article 42 is original in essence. The former was implemented due to the exploitation of the previous election period in 1980, which was prolonged by the then Qaimaqam. If we examine the last Patriarchal transitional period, we learn that Patriarch Ignatius Jacob III departed on 26 June 1980, and that Patriarch Ignatius Zakka I came to office on 14 September 1980, which gives a time period of 81 days. This prompted the Holy Synod to supplement the Syrian Orthodox Church Constitution with article 33 (26 September 1998), and overlooked article 42, which have left us with two contradicting and abrogating articles. However, what the entire college of Bishops (both factions) have overlooked, and we would like to bring to their attention, is the following article of the Syrian Orthodox Church Constitution: “Article 45. The Patriarchal See must not be left vacant more than thirty days, except in extreme circumstances.” The question posed to the college of bishops is: What do they interpret as ‘extreme circumstances’? The favourite candidate, Mor Gregorios Yohanna Ibrahim, who is today, as witnessed by the laity, and most leaders, the only capable Metropolitan to successfully rule the Syrian Orthodox Church. He is still in captivity against his will, but as mentioned above, his release is imminent. Is this not sufficient to consider as ‘extreme circumstances’? The college of Bishops are today crossing the bridge of fire, and they seem to have been met by a brick wall. The Church community can today be likened to an imminently erupting volcano! If, as faction A argue, the money is the issue, we are certain that many faithful would be more than happy to furnish with the travelling expenses, for the sake of democracy and justice in the Church. Anyhow, sufficient time must be allowed to reflect on the suitable candidate to successfully lead the Syrian Orthodox Church, and to allow the Holy Spirit to come among them in a calm and spiritual environment. For those of you who have studied early Christian Councils. We seem to experience an action replay, taking us back to the early fifth century, when two councils were held in Ephesus, only ending up with excommunicating each other. Is that the example the Church is following today? Are you prepared to create, and to be part of such remorseful history today? We urge all the Bishops who are present with this unique opportunity, which may never be repeated, to make distinctive history that we will all be proud of, by electing the favourite candidate as Patriarch, while he is in captivity. This would demonstrate the strength and unity of the Holy Synod at crucial and unprecedented moments in history. This would also fulfil the late Patriarch’s last wish, and realise the wishes and request, expressed in condolence messages, by world leaders, church leaders, and Syriac politicians and dignitaries, to the Syrian Orthodox Church, in regards to the departure of the thrice blessed, Patriarch Mor Ignatius Zakka I Iwas. If you decide to ignore the plea and the proposal of the people, do not blame this on the Holy Spirit. In fact, you are liable for violating the standards of modern democratic principals. Any unilateral decision by the Holy Synod, should not be considered no more than mere nomination of candidate(s), to be proposed to the laity in a referendum, to ratify and elect the suitable candidate. Be aware, the entire world is watching you to elect the 123rd Patriarch of the Syrian Orthodox Church, and they anticipate you to utter the following words: Oksiyos, Oksiyos, Oksiyos, Moran Mor Ignatius Yohanna XV Ibrahim. Yours sincerely, Abducted Archbishops (Facebook Page: facebook/archbishops.aleppo) cc: Heads of Churches Heads of Religious Denominations Syrian Orthodox Clergy Ecumenical Network Friends of Mar Gregorios Syriac Institutions Syriac Federations Pro-Oriente and Syriac Dialogue Concerned Governments
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 15:30:58 +0000

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