PATRIOTS: I SEE DEMANDS THAT OBAMA BE IMPEACHED ON A VARIETY OF SITES EVERY DAY. WHAT DO YOU THINK!? HOW DO YOU REALLY FEEL? DO YOU EVEN CARE? HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT? IS IT TRUE THAT IMPEACHMENT WILL NOT WORK... WHY WOULDNT IT? A Plausible & Realistic take on the IMPEACHMENT PROCESS FOR BARRACK AT THIS POINT IM AFRAID WOULD PROVE TO BE FUTILE! ONLY Because even if the Conservatives in Congress were to draw up the articles of impeachment... IT IS THE SENATE that has to try the impeachment case. DO YOU REALLY THINK HARRY REID is going to say...OH.. OK lets have a trial and try his BUTT BUDDY ???? HELL NO!!! HE CANT, NOT REALLY BECAUSE HONESTLY THAT ENTIRE ADMINISTRATION SHOULD & WOULD MEED TO MEET THE SAME FATE & WE ALL KNOW IT! ESPECIALLY FORMER SEC OF STATE OLE HILLARY!! BUT AS PROMISED, FINALLY HERE IS INFO ON THE IMPEACHMENT PROCESS. YOU DECIDE.. DO YOU THINK WE CAN IMPEACH HIM ?? DO YOU EVEN CARE NOW BECAUSE WE KICKED THAT CAN DOWN THE ROAD TILL... UMM... LETS SEE, OH YA.. RIGHT AROUND TAX TIME!! FEB 2014!! OOOPS! ANYWHO HERE YOU GO.... The Impeachment Process A common misconception is that impeachment of an official means his or her removal from office. In fact, impeachment functions as an indictment of a public official; it allows the legislature to bring formal charges against a civil officer of government. After an official has been impeached, or formally charged, a trial is held to determine whether or not the official will be removed from office. In the US Federal Government, the House of Representatives impeaches government officials and the trial takes place before the Senate. The House votes on the articles of impeachment, requiring a simple majority to pass them. Upon passage of the articles, an individual has been impeached. Impeachable Offenses According to the US Constitution, Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors justify impeachment, although the exact definition of High Crimes and Misdemeanors is often the subject of debate. Usually, impeachment is reserved for serious offenses and abuses of power, and it is up to the impeaching body to determine whether or not an offense is impeachable. Offenses do not have to violate criminal law in order to be impeachable. UNLESS THE SENATE TRIES HIM... THERE IS NO REMOVAL FROM OFFICE. The Trial After the House of Representatives impeaches, the Senate tries the accused. Senators are sworn in as jurors and rules for the proceedings are established. When a US President is impeached, the Chief Justice of the United States presides. That would be Justice John OBAMACARE Roberts. A two-thirds majority of the Senate is required to convict; otherwise, the accused is acquitted. The Consequences A conviction by the Senate brings immediate removal from office. If an official is convicted, the Senate may take a second vote to determine whether or not to bar the official from holding any public office in the future. The Senate trial does not constitute a criminal trial and the Senate decision does not have power beyond removal from office and barring of future public office. The impeached official is still subject to criminal prosecution for any criminal offenses that were included in the articles of impeachment. So the question I have for all you IMPEACH OBAMA PEOPLE ... what is your Objective ? Impeach or REMOVAL FROM OFFICE.. The Impeachment process just window dressing!! SHARE THIS INFORMATION PLEASE ! SO THE ASSHOLES IN GOVERNMENT KNOW THAT WE KNOW WHAT WE WANT !! OUT WITH THE OLD ARROGANT AND COMFORTABLE & IN WITH NEW, HUMBLE, TRUE BLOODED AMERICANS & BACK TO THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES & THE BILL OF RIGHTS! ITS THE ONLY WAY LEFT IF AMERICA IS TO BE RESTORED TO HER FORMER GLORY!
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 05:17:15 +0000

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