PAUL’S DAILY INSPIRATIONS “COMFORT ZONES – ARE THEY REALLY JUST FAMILIAR ZONES?” Do you enjoy your comfort zones? Are comfort zones healthy or do they prevent us from growing? Comfort zones may allow us to avoid risk, but may also be a path to failure. Today it is important to be adaptable and flexible. The adaptability and flexibility are important in allowing us to be continuous learners, and comfort zones allow us to operate in areas that are familiar and may prevent personal growth. Are comfort zones really things that we are familiar with, and so are familiar zones? For some of us operating outside of our comfort zones cause us to fear failure because we will have to deal with something that we may not know because it is not familiar, and that is why it is uncomfortable. Ironically, operating within a comfort zone may lead to failure, because it prevents us from being a continuous learner. Today, there is security in change, not in staying the same or operating in our comfort zones. Today, take a good look at your environment, whether it is at home or at work, and ask yourself, “are your comfort zones preventing your from growing personally?” – Paul’s thoughts “I have realized; it is during the times I am far outside my element that I experience myself the most. That I see and feel who I really am, the most! I think thats what a comet is like, you see, a comet is born in the outer realms of the universe! But its only when it ventures too close to our sun or to other stars that it releases the blazing tail behind it and shoots brazen through the heavens! And meteors become sucked into our atmosphere before they burst like firecrackers and realize that theyre shooting stars! Thats why I enjoy taking myself out of my own element, my own comfort zone, and hurling myself out into the unknown. Because its during those scary moments, those unsure steps taken, that I am able to see that Im like a comet hitting a new atmosphere: suddenly I illuminate magnificently and fire dusts begin to fall off of me! I discover a smile I didnt know I had, I uncover a feeling that I didnt know existed in me... I see myself. Im a shooting star. A meteor shower. But Im not going to die out. I guess Im more like a comet then. Im just going to keep on coming back.” ― C. JoyBell C. “We are so accustomed to the comforts of I cannot, I do not want to and it is too difficult that we forget to realize when we stop doing things for ourselves and expect others to dance around us, we are not achieving greatness. We have made ourselves weak.” ― Pandora Poikilos “Coming out of your comfort zone is tough in the beginning, chaotic in the middle, and awesome in the end...because in the end, it shows you a whole new world! Make an attempt..” ― Manoj Arora “Comfort is your biggest trap and coming out of comfort zone your biggest challenge.” ― Manoj Arora “Sometimes we have to step out of our comfort zones. We have to break the rules. And we have to discover the sensuality of fear. We need to face it, challenge it, dance with it.” ― Kyra Davis Make it a Powerful Day! – Paul
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 14:28:13 +0000

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