PCA – The antidote for an increasingly toxic world, and an - TopicsExpress


PCA – The antidote for an increasingly toxic world, and an evolutionary advancement in dietary supplementation, wellbeing, and ultimate health. We have come to the point in the human history story, where there is nowhere on planet Earth that is safe from toxic chemical exposures, poisons, or GMO crops, and this toxic contamination is continuing to compound itself daily. Over the last 70 years these chemical influences have slowly been raising havoc on all natural biological processes we refer to as nature, life, and the natural process of creation. At first, in the 1930’s, 40’s, and 50’s, this chemical influence was hardly noticeable. The FDA claimed that all of the chemicals, heavy metals, food additives, and poisons added to our food, water, and air, were Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) for human consumption and exposure. In our innocence, belief and trust in our governmental protectors we consumed, and slowly started the process of separating ourselves from nature, and our natural human biological process started its downward spiral. We are now nearly 4 generations into the long-term exposure to many of these “Generally Recognized As Safe” chemicals and toxins. Every day, more and more independent studies are being published on the devastating effects that these GRAS chemicals are having on our human microbiome, and their genetically altering, endocrine disrupting, negative cell signaling response. The multigenerational affect to our delicate microbiome, and its negative influence on our children, and all future generations. We have all been the long-term research study on these chemicals, and we have now reached a point of mass toxin and chemical saturation. At Maxam labs we could see the increasingly rapid devolution of human health back in the early nineties. We (humans) were following the same path of many other species that had become extinct due to toxin and chemical exposure over the last hundreds of years. Our fascination with chemicals, non-living highly processed chemically laced foods, anti-bacterial products, and our separation from the laws of nature, were slowly killing us off from the inside out. We have now come to a point where our daily toxic chemical exposures, are far greater than our bodies’ ability to naturally detoxify and adapt. Working with a natural, healthy, human primal gut flora in a controlled fermentation vessel, we slowly started exposing our healthy microbial flora to all of the modern day chemicals, toxins and poisons that are affecting our health, well-being, and negative genetic dispositions. Microbes, evolve in a matter of hours and days, where the human adaptation process takes a lifetime. Being a natural living part of the healthy human gut, these healthy microbes do not want the toxins or poisons in their environment ether, and they in turn create the Nano, colloidal, ionic peptide fractions that in turn create and our (human) immune systems, and help to enhance our bodies ability to identify, and safely remove these toxins, chemicals, and poisons. For over 15 years PCA has been helping to support the safe and natural elimination of any toxin, chemical or poison that is not a natural living part of the human biological system. Strictly following the simple laws of nature, and the natural symbiotic relationship of the human microbiome. If you are living on planet earth today, you need PCA
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 19:39:05 +0000

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