PDP Crisis...What gains for the opposition? Posted by Reporter in - TopicsExpress


PDP Crisis...What gains for the opposition? Posted by Reporter in Politics (Tђε Nation) CRISIS is an ill-wind. It blows no political party any good. With the factionalisation of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and the loss of seven governors, the party is left with the control of 16 states. Thus, the party has lost its dominance in the polity. When it was a united fold, the party controlled 23 out of 36 states. The reality is that a party that has described itself as Africa’s largest party is crumbling in the build-up to 2015. It has lost control of Sokoto, Kano, Jigawa, Adamawa, Niger, Kwara and Rivers states to a certain extent. The PDP may start playing the second fiddle in the Northwest and Southwest regions, whose total voters’s population is about 50 per cent of the national voting population. Political observers believe that more governors are likely to abandon the sinking ship, if the leadership of the party refuse to change its leadership style, foster internal democracy and uphold the rule of law to rein. If the Bamanga Tukur’s faction fails to reconcile with the Kawu Baraje’s faction, the PDP may be rocked by litigation between now and the next elections. The galadiators on both divides may waste precious time in court, instead of political mobilisation. A political analyst, Dr Emma Okongwu, urged the seven governors not to indulge in fighting over the ownership of PDP . He advised them to align with the formidable opposition party to effect change in the country. Okongwu said the between now and 2015 is short. Therefore, he said it is useless to fight for the soul of the PDP in court, stressing that they will not win. He added: “It’s better for them now to team up with other opposition to usher in a new political order in 2015. The seven governors are politically correct. More are likely to join The reality is that the balance of power in Nigeria has been radically altered. The most important thing now is how to translate the new development into a political liberation and change of power in 2015. Asked which of the opposition parties would benefit the governors in their struggle, Okongwu said: “I think the newly registered All Progressives Congress (APC) would do because it has a national appeal and 11 governors in its kitty. It makes it easier for the APC to build structures in those states and facilitate the take-off of the party in other states”. Okongwu said the Peoples Democratic Movement (PDM) would not help in this circumstance because the party has to start from the scratch. Since the seven PDP governors and 11 APC governors are colleagues in the Nigerian Governors Forum (NGF), who share similar view on the state of the nation, there is no reason why they should not work together in a political party. A civil rights activist, Shehu Sani, described the PDP dissenting governors as patriots. He said they are the apostles of democracy. “Govenors Rabiu Musa Kwakwanso (Kano), Aliyu Wamakko (Sokoto), Sule Lamido (Jigawa), Babangida Aliyu (Niger) and Murtala Nyako (Adamawa) are patriots, who have the interest of the nation at heart”, he said. The activist said they should be courted by the APC because their views are similar with the party’s objectives. In his view, the Convener of the Coalition of Democrats for Electora next step for the PDP governors is to faclititate a merger plan with the APC. “It is a possibility and when that happens, the best in the two camps will come to produce a better political platform for Nigeria. It is possible for ideological configuration of thesis and anti-thesis to produce the synthesis. “I ‘m persuaded that we are yet to see the end result of what happened last Saturday at the Eagles Square, Abuja, the venue of the PDP convention. The consequences would be far reaching. Any prognosis being made now by political fortune tellers, we need to exercise some restraints because the business at hand is not done yet”. Opadokun also called for caution. He said the PDP faction may not stand for principle, adding that its chieftains may go back to bet the Tukur’s faction when government instruments are unleashed on them to whip them back on line. Another analyst, Harrison White, said the limitations of the democratic space and political competition have made it extremely difficult to promote a free rivalry of ideas and concepts for development of the state. He said the state would gain a lot, if only the opposition parties could join forces and challenge the crisis-ridden PDP. He warned that the failure to do this would increase the PDP’s chance of retaining power. He argued that the PDP’s competitive advantage is the division in opposition and the fact that it can manipulate the election rules to suit itself. However, he stressed that the possibility cannot be ruled out that a formidable opposition may emerge, if the faction cooperate with the main opposition party. White said a formidable opposition made up of the APC and the PDP faction will pose a serious threat to the survival of the PDP, which has remained a dominant party in the country, since the restoration of civil rule in 1999
Posted on: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 10:04:40 +0000

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