PEACE BE UPON YOU HELL MUST NOT WIN! I usually make this post - TopicsExpress


PEACE BE UPON YOU HELL MUST NOT WIN! I usually make this post on the eve of every Christmas but this year let us see what effect it will have, since it is coming after. The stage is set, the choices are before us: we MUST choose today to either celebrate the Season with Christ (CHRIST-MAS) or without Christ (X-MAS). But for either choice we make there is a reward: the kingdom of darkness is busier today than ever, instead of losing focus in the pursuit of vanity, why not sit down NOW and shelve your plans for this Christmas? Check your itinerary and see if it is Christ-centred or self-centred! You may decide to look at the story of the birth of the Messiah today and tomorrow and meditate on the UNTHINKABLE EXCHANGE when Divine Mercy said NO to the Just Death Sentence we received for forsaking the Way and Divine intervention intercepted us as we were led to the slaughter on account of our transgression. And He that knew no Sin became Sin that we who are born in Sin may be made to become without sin. My friends, as we lose our self-control and merry in debauchery, the devil smiles to the bank with the gain of our souls. Do you know that it is at times of festivities like this, unfortunately, that the names of many a Follower of the Way will slip from the book of Life into damnation? If Christ does not tarry, friends, if Christs awaited Glorious 2nd Coming were to be tonight or tomorrow, do you know that many of us will miss out on the Great Feast because of the stains of sin? What an irony! We have profaned our Holy Feasts and bought into the lies of the Devil that at times like this β€˜we are Catching Fun. Remember our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed but only for those who will endure to the end is this of any material consequence. Are you proud of your agenda for this Christmas? If yes, praise the Lord; if NO, it is Not too late to change your plans. Remember that Fun is temporary but the joy of Paradise or the torture of Hell is for eternity/everlasting. There are places and people you MUST avoid these coming days if you must come through the celebration a Winner. Let us pray: Lord Jesus, the reason for and Master of the Season, we present ourselves to you as we are for you to use us as instruments of evangelization at Christmas. We desire to celebrate this Christmas differently, we desire to celebrate it with you, grant us grace to do so. Shield us from every danger, make the celebrations hitch-free, may our names not be found missing from the Book of Life at the end of the Season. May we draw ever nearer to you now and be shining examples to the world ever after; through Jesus Christ your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with the Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen! If you love your soul say: HELL MUST NOT TAKE OVER! Merry Christmas and a Prosperous Happy New Year in advance! #JESUSorNothing
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 01:29:42 +0000

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