PEACE & LOVE?! WHY I BLAMED RIEK “MASSACRE MORE BLACK PEOPLE” MACHAR. Peace & love are two magical words that confused Black people when it is written or spoken by our age old enemies, the Arabs and Europeans. Black people hallucinate when they hear the words peace & One love. They would walk 30 miles and travel first class on a plane or train just to hear the same old lies and deceptions coming from our enemies on a topic of peace. For Black people, one love means loving our age old enemies unconditionally and hoping, expecting our enemies to love us and give us peace in return. My people have to understand once and for all that the only way we are going to get real peace and true love is through Black Nationalism/Pan-Afrakanism. Because your clergies and politicians don’t have the guts nor balls to tell you, my beloved Black people, that inconvenient truth, you think it’s an abomination to hear about and teach Black Nationalism/Pan-Afrakanism. The Arab and European kkkrackkkers would allow my beloved Black people to become anything. Black people can become a Democrat; a Republican; a Socialist; a Communist; a Conservatist; a Christian; a Muslim; a Jew; or even a goddamn Faggot – you name it, they will allow you to become it. The only thing you are not allowed to freely become is a Black Nationalist/Pan-Afrakanist activist. Because our age old enemies don’t like the concept of Black Nationalism/Pan-Afrakanism, the Necronegroes take it upon themselves to hate all Black Nationalist and Pan-Afrakanist activist. The Necronegroes look down with disdain on the Black Nationalist/Pan-Afrakanist activists – the only people with a real solution to the problems facing the Afrakan Nation. The Necronegroes have tried just about everything for some peace and a little love and they have never got a tiny piece of it. The Necronegroes have tried just about everything for our liberation. The only thing these Necronegroes haven’t tried and is yet to try is Black Nationalism/Pan-Afrakanism. Every European (Caucasian) is a Pan-European. These same European experts who are talking about centuries of war and irreconcilable differences between Dinka and Nuer have a more reconcilable language when it comes to the Tatars and Russians in Crimea, Ukraine. The politicians of South Sudan invited Caucasians experts on everything from every part of the globe. Had they invited the Black Nationalist and Pan-Afrakanist from every part of the globe, South Sudan would’ve been a stable country today. If these Necronegroes, the politicians, in South Sudan had invited Black Nationalists and Pan-Afrakanists from every part of the globe, the outcome would have been different in South Sudan. By ignoring the Black Nationalists and Pan-Afrakanists, the politicians in South Sudan choose instead to go the route of the Afrakan countries and countries ruled by Afrakans at independence. The result, as you can see, is the same. Our age old enemies continue to recycle old theories on how to get peace, love, progress and prosperity and the Necronegroes continue to fall for the same old lies and deceptions. If this Necronegro wasn’t mentally and spiritually dead, he would’ve taken one look at the Garvey’s Movement and at our current situation and automatically deduced that our enemies operating under the guise of Christianity, Islam and Judaism (CIJ) have no intention of giving us real peace and true love. These kkkrackkkers track record speak for itself. The Necronegroes should make it their duty never to argue with the untainted evidence and the numbers that add up when it is presented to them. But the self-hate of the Necronegroes is groundbreaking and unimaginable. The whole of South Sudan was caught off guard by the swift and sudden attack on Blacks with Black on Black violence. I blamed the politicians for not flooding the country with Black Nationalists and Pan-Afrakanists. But I reserved my harshest critic and condemnation for Riek “Massacre More Black people” Machar. Machar-Tiny was the second in Command. He was dismissed by the Commander in Chief, the President of South Sudan. Whether he was dismissed wrongfully or not, Machar had no right to mobilize the Afrakans from his tribe for war. Whether you live in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Europe or USA, the Caucasians love to say they took us out of the bush from the war in Sudan to civilize us. While we know that is not true, we have lived long enough amongst the Caucasians to learn a thing or two on self-love. We all can remember the Bush/Gore election. Al Gore won the election but the Presidency was given to Bush. Gore did not take his supporters to the swamps of Louisiana or into the stone mountain of Georgia to start a civil was. Gore accepted the decision and moved on with his life. When you truly loved your people that is what you will do. But this self-hating Necronegro, Riek “Massacre More Blacks” Machar chooses to go to war because he was dismissed from his position. Riek “Mindless” Machar could have gotten a job as a lecturer at any university. He didn’t want that. Mindless Machar wants absolute power even if it means killing the last Black child in South Sudan. The question is where did he get all dem guns and ammunitions to start an armed conflict that he knows he could not win? Who financed Riek Machar’s rag-tag army? Where are all the foreign experts gone? As usual, back to their respective homes after starting a conflict in your country. Today, Riek Machar is running around USA and Europe looking for financial backers to support his war against Black people. Riek “Massacre More Black people” Machar is making promises to European bankers, politicians, religious leaders and mercenaries to give them as much as 80% of the oil revenue of South Sudan if they can get him in to power. Of course the greedy kkkrackkkers are going to accept his offer. For them it is making their job easier to kill off the Blacks and steal our continent. Riek “Mindless” Machar’s war is a war of attrition. It is going to be a long and bloody war that is going to reduce the population of South Sudan enormously. Afrakans, do you expect these kkkrackkers to leave us alone? They cannot leave us alone. We are their lifeline; we are their blood bank. To stay alive, these kkkrackkkers have to bleed us to death. Ptah Maakhrw Ra Amen, elder at APCE & a Minister for LUAN. Amen-Ra!!!!
Posted on: Fri, 28 Feb 2014 17:05:38 +0000

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