PENDRAGON MEDITATION CIRCLE 30th SEPTEMBER 2013 DYLANTHIA - THROUGH DAVID J ADAMS (Audio version available at …. soundcloud/david-j-adams/dylanthia-30th-september-2013 ) 8 NEW DIMENSIONAL FREQUENCIES OF THE EARTH ‘OCTAVE OF LOVE’ (The Circle opens with the sounds of the Tibetan bowls and the Crystal Bowls) Greetings Dear Hearts, I am Dylanthia of Sirius. My sister Arantha and myself have for many years of your Earth time been responsible for holding the 12 major Song Lines of the Earth in balance and harmony - I at Sundown Hill, Arantha at Machu Picchu. It has been a great honour for us to perform this task and to make connection and work with each and every one of you, and we intend to continue to do this, for more of your Earth years, with assistance from Beloved Margot and Beloved Tarak. Firstly this evening I would like to thank each and every one of the ‘Sounders of Humanity’ who came together at the Equinox and opened their Hearts to embrace the new Sound Wave from the Library of Arcturus, and to enable that Sound Wave to flow out into the Oceans of the world, to connect with, and assist the Awakening of the ‘Sounders of the Oceans of the Earth’, beloved Whales and Dolphins. I can tell you, they received that Wave of Sound with great joy and much gratitude. It has enabled them to open the Gateway to their own Soul Dimensions. You may wonder why it was so important for this to happen, and I remind you Dear Hearts that the ‘Sounders of the Ocean’ cover two thirds of the Earth Planet, and without their assistance in the vibrating frequencies of the Earth, the Earth itself cannot reach upwards to its OWN Soul Dimension. So the work that was completed at your Equinox has now allowed the Sound Frequencies, both of the Earth and of the Ocean to come together in Oneness, to create a bridge to the Soul Dimensions of Humanity, of the Ocean creatures and of the Earth itself. And what has happened as this new Wave of Sound has permeated the Earth, is that the Earth itself has opened the Gateway to 8 more Dimensions of itself, 8 more Dimensional frequencies of the Earth Planet. This is part and parcel of the Ascension of the Earth, just as you as Humans have Awakened to your own Soul Dimension, and by so doing have embraced your own multidimensionality. The whales and the dolphins have also now embraced their multidimensionality, and because you are now in the Dimension of Oneness, the Earth too has embraced its own multidimensional wholeness. Can you not feel that within your Beings, Dear Hearts, FEEL the upliftment of everything around you now, KNOW that you are ALL existing in Higher Dimensional frequencies, moving with ease and grace through many Dimensions of yourself, many Dimensions of the Earth, But this does not happen overnight, it does not stabilise overnight, it requires more work, so I am here tonight to ask again for the assistance of the ‘Sounders of the Earth’, as I have already asked the ‘Sounders of the Oceans’, to work with us, to Harmonise the Song Lines of the Earth, that they too may operate Harmoniously in every one of the 8 Dimensions of the Earth. I have already brought this to the attention of this one (David), and I now come to you to bring it to your attention, and to ask for your help. You already know that there is a specific time frame in operation, from the time of the Equinox until the 10th of the 10th, so I am asking you, each and every one of you here within this Circle, and around the world, to come together for a second time on the 10th of the 10th, at the midpoint of your day, to focus the Love in your Hearts on the Song Lines of the Earth, through Machu Picchu or through Sundown Hill, or through both, and I ask you to reach out to your brothers and sisters, the ‘Sounders of the Ocean’, and together sing within your Heart the Song of Divine Love, the Song of Peace and Joy, and focus those energies on the Song Lines of the Earth in all of the 8 new Dimensional Frequencies of the Earth, an ‘Octave of Love’. It NEEDS the assistance of ALL upon the Earth Planet for this to be stabilised. So I ask you to join with us on the 10th of the 10th and SOUND THE LOVE IN YOUR HEARTS FOR MOTHER EARTH. We look forward to sharing that time with you, to being with you. I thank you. (Note: Sundown Hill is just outside Broken Hill in New South Wales, Australia. There are 12 sculptures at this site, and each represents one of the Songlines.)
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 04:03:29 +0000

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