PEOPLE SCOFF AT MY DISMAL PREDICTIONS FOR THE HUMAN WORKING CLASSES. For over three years I have been predicting the effects of humanoid robotisation on the workforce of countries around the world. People and indeed governments have scoffed at the ideas that I have put forward. They have absolutely refused to take on board the dire consequences of this up and coming industrial revolution. Instead of planning for its ultimate eventuality and the massive decline in employment that it will cause, they have chosen to bury their heads in the sand hoping that cutting wage cost will maintain job profitability. The fact is, it wont. Dedicated humanoid robots will take over every single job in the world. As their leasing prices come down and their dedicated memories are programed to do more things, human workers will not be viable or needed to satisfy industry and business demands. Eventually, humans doing even mundane low wage jobs like street cleaning, working in fast food chains and corner shops will not be cost effective for employers. GOVERNMENTS MUST START PLANNING AND PUTTING PLACE INFRASTRUCTURE STRATEGIES FOR A WORKER-LESS SOCIETY NOW BEFORE IT IS TO LATE --- IF THEY DONT AND THEY LEAVE IT TO MARKET FORCES TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM --- WE WILL SUFFER GLOBAL CIVIL WARS THAT WILL DEVASTATE EVERY CIVILIZED COUNTRY. Check out the increase in sophistication of Hondas Asimo Humanoid Robot, it is now ready to enter into mass production. Once the leasing cost of these robots come down to the employment cost of just four average workers, businesses will opt for them rather than take on human workers. When that happens the die is cast and the future will come rolling in at an ever increasing pace. Here is a scenario for you to consider. Both you and I are the directors of two equally balanced but opposing multinational companies with equal market share. We produce the same products using the same equipment and employ the same amount of people world wide. Say 1.5 million people in a wide range of jobs using a wide range of skills. OK, I go to Honda and commission dedicated Asimo robots to be programed to do every job that my employees do. That is jobs from top management down to sweepers on the production floors. I and Honda successfully keep this quiet and on the 1st of April 2015 I intend to globally sack all of my workforce and replace them with dedicated robots. Lets assume that these robots have been stress tested over the past year to make sure that the integration with my business needs has been taken care of. Also, because I had this vision five years ago, I now have five years first mover advantage over you. Also, all the programing that has been developed for Asimo on my behalf is covered by copy write and exclusive contractual agreements with Honda. On the 1st of April 2015 I announce on television in a massive publicity campaign that my company is now fully robotized and that my production cost has dropped by up to a half or two thirds. My quality control is now at 100 percent and my R&D is equally high and reliable. As a result of this my sales prices have plummeted to levels that you cannot compete with and as a result of that my market share begins to sky-rocket along with my share prices. Lets assume for arguments sake that you have enough reserve capital to absorb this first shock wage to your business. WHAT DO YOU HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO DO IN ORDER TO STAY IN BUSINESS? Now multiply this decision in to every conceivable business around the world. WHAT WILL GOVERNMENTS HAVE TO DO WHEN UNEMPLOYMENT IN THEIR COUNTRIES START TO CLIMB OUT OF CONTROL? WHAT WILL TWO CHOICES WILL THE GOVERNMENTS HAVE WHEN UNEMPLOYMENT TRENDS ARE IN EXCESS OF 90 OR 95 PERCENT? DO YOU THINK THIS SCENARIO NEEDS TO BE PLANNED FOR BEFORE IT HAPPENS? Check out:- DO YOU THINK I AM A CRANK OR A STRATEGIST GIVING AN HONEST, LOGICAL, COMMON SENSE PREDICTION? Will you as a young person be willing to get into £20 odd thousand pounds worth of college or university debt only to find yourself competing against Asimo who has a dedicated microchip inserted into its artificial brain. A microchip that can be updated at any time with the latest information on the subjects that you are studying. What if the micro-chip was so sophisticated that it actually learned from its experiences. Could you compete on cost with such a machine that never sleeps, gets ill, gets tired, takes a break or needs a holiday and more importantly never ever says NO? Where does this leave the Labour Party in the grand scheme of things, how effective will be trade union opposition when it comes to total robotisation?
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 23:57:44 +0000

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