PERFECT LOVE BELIEVERS CENTER, BENIN SUNDAY SERVICE MESSAGE EXCERPT PASTOR PRESTON IDORO 14TH SEPTEMBER, 2014 TOPIC: THE POWER OF PROPER THINKING In life, everything you find today was once conceived as a thought. Everything you do, you thought about; theres nothing we do, we dont think about. Whatever you cant think about, you cant have in your life. One of the dangers our environment posses on us is the mindset it forms for you which may eventually build a wall around you. Whatever you have in mind would create a world for you; you cant create anything you havent seen in your mind. The future of a man is the quality of his thought. Jesus came out from Galilee but He didnt think Galilee because He thought above Galilee. He saw the world at large. If you cant see much from the inside, do so much on the outside. In trying to do something great, two things are likely to occur; you could find people speak against it or hear people talk about it. Those who speak against it, do because they cant fathom what youre doing because their scope is too low. Thats the reason they readily criticise great ideas. Every great accomplishment you find today is a product of thought. Successful men dont all think the same way but they have the same thought pattern. Where youre today is as a result of your thoughts. Evil prevails because people think evil; the world will be a better place if we think love. Your thought determines your words; your words determines your actions; your actions determines your future. Its insane to do the same thing and expect a different result; if you want change, youd need to think change. God couldnt bless Abraham until he made him see (Genesis 13:15). The true sight of a man isnt his eyes but mind. The way you train yourself, thats what youd become. The problem with people most times is that they dont want to be trained; they want to be accepted the way they are; every environment has its dos and dont. The reason for orientation in schools is for the purpose of training; just to input new information into the students. Blessing is on the head of the just (Proverb 10:6); so its forward ever and backwards never. The blessings of the Lord makes rich (Proverb 10:22). He gives us power to get wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18); wealth is for us as believers. Most believers tag their failures/laziness to witches. Givers never lack; the bible says God loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7); if God loves a cheerful giver, can he be poor? Thats not possible! Love can truly keep you going; the terrorists lack love and if they truly find love, they wouldnt do what they do. Anyone who suspects everything said, has a low reasoning. Anyone who refuses to suspect but give benefit of the doubt is matured. Youll never receive or get blessed of someone you suspect. Every information you suspect, you cant comprehend. For you to truly grow, you should debug yourself of what youve always known for what you should know. Whats your mind frame? Dont envy anyone; what you celebrate, you attract. No gossips or idle people excel. Its better to sleep than to gossip. I think right; I behave right and I get right results in life. Successful people advance in their thoughts daily. No one truly becomes successful by bringing people down; if we all truly become successful, itd be nice. When you least expect, those you helped could lend a helping hand to you later in life. We are all children of God; the devil didnt create anyone. To some people, 5,000 is a lot of money but to others, its small. If you study closely successful men, youd discover that theres one thing common to them; they tend to think alike. If you study how successful people think and you think thus, success would come. This is because their thoughts brought the result. Have you built a worth for yourself? I challenge you this morning to leave the level that youre in for somewhere better and it would start from your thought. Someone remarked, “it is insane to do the same thing and expect a different result.” Time spent on gossip is a waste; think solution! Time is a perishable commodity; you cant pulse time; if you fail to move, time would still keep moving. What you do with time will determine the result that youd get. Dont start a relationship that wont lead you anywhere; dont start anything that doesnt have a future for you. Africans know how to waste time a lot; it doesnt matter where youre from, if you can change your mindset, you can change your world. The blessings you receive is proportional to what your mind can accept. Romans 12:2; “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” The word transform means to “metamorphoo” by the renewal of the mind. If you cant renew your mind, you cant get a result. Jeremiah 4:14; “O Jerusalem, wash thine heart from wickedness, that thou mayest be saved. How long shall thy vain thoughts lodge within thee?” God spoke! Gods thought towards us are good and not of evil, towards giving us an expected end. There cant be an expected end until theres an expectation. For you to possess, you should expect; what have you been expecting? Whats your mind frame? How much can you accommodate? There could be two fashion designers in the same environment; one could succeed and the other fail. A problem identified is an avenue for money to be produced. The challenge of inconsistent light led to the production of generators. When you accept Gods word, youd change. Its Gods word that changes us; we are sanctified by the word of truth (John 17:17; John 15:3). If you accept Gods word, it has an ability to change you. HOW TO CHANGE 1) You must agree in your heart that changing your thinking is very difficult. Dont be deceived, it isnt easy to change a mindset that youve always held on to from inception. The fact that one is born again doesnt mean ones mind has changed. Thats why some born again Christians still talk like unbelievers; they are yet to get their minds renewed. 2). If mind change is difficult, then one must be consistent in the process of change. Change is a continued repeated action. 3). If you fail in the process of change, should you give up? No! A righteous man may fall seven times, yet he rises up again (Proverbs 24:16). We shouldnt be carried away by how many times we fall; rather we should be concerned about rising up again. Rise from where youve fallen and return no more. Theres a tradition in the church; it is believed that the more sin is preached, the more righteous people are found in the church. Thats not true! The more we preach about righteousness, the more we find righteous people in the church. A man cannot be changed by power but by love. 4) Understand that your thought is an investment. If you keep the right thought, youd have the right result. If the cloud be full of rain, it would empty itself (Ecclesiastes 11:3). Life is like a computer, whatever is your input, would be your output. What is seen as your result is the product of your thought. As a man thinks in his heart, so is he (Proverbs 23:7). As he is, so he thinks. When you practise the right thing, be consistent; whether or not you find result in it; it would give you a better result. 5) Create quality time for reflective thinking. For instance, this sermon. If you hear and dont reflect, you wont have a hold on the information. HOW TO GET BETTER WITH YOUR THOUGHT 1). Expose yourself to good input or materials. The quality of the things you study will determine the quality of your life. Leaders are readers! The Lord told me that any man you cant gain a direct access to physically, you can by reading his books. A mans words isnt different from the man. What makes a man is always in his words or write ups. The mouth speaks out of the hearts abundance. It is dangerous to be around frustrated people; there are two categories of people you should have in your life; those you look up to and those who listens to you to take them to where youve gotten to. Anyone who doesnt fall into these categories should be ejected off your life, else theyd cause you troubles. Theyre there to waste your time and life. 2) Expose yourself to good thinkers. Thinking could be contagious. 3) Choose to think a good thought. No matter how pressed youre to think negatively, think a good thought. Dont poison your bright future with negative thoughts. 4) Never give up on a good thought. The result of good thoughts are too good to let slip away. 5) Act of good thoughts; strategise with it. We respond to the spirit of God and not to stimulus. Any bad character you tolerate because it favours you now, will soon bounce back on you. Never accept what evil presents to you; if you do, it would affect you with time. When you correct people with bad character, with time theyd appreciate you; else theyd use the bad character on you. 6) Never allow your emotion act or create negative thoughts. Most people reveal inner thoughts (truths) about you when you get them angry. Thats their true assessment of you. The best thing to do when angry is to keep shut. 7) Repeat the process of a good thought. HOW SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE THINK 1) They think personal faith. Did I represent God well? Did I well represent PLBC? 2) Adding Value: Have you added value to someones life? If you dont, youve taken value off someones life. To whom did I add value? Can I follow up the personal benefits? The greatest investment is in lives. 3) Personal growth: The day a man stops growing he starts dying. What have you added to your life today? You ought to add daily to your life. 4) Leadership: Did I live by example today? Everybody is a leader. Did I live well today? Did I motivate someone? It is your job to motivate someone everyday. 5) Love: Did I express love to someone today? Did I care for someone today? Whats my motive for showing love? Not all love is pure. The stranger whos a saint you dont know isnt better than the devil you know. God so love the world but Hes more in love with His children. Who have you shown true agape love today? 6) Inners caucus or inner cycle: We all have this; your confidants and close friends belong to this group. If you dont think positively for them, youre in danger. If Satan penetrates them, hed easily get access to you. Ask yourself, have I spent quality time with them? Those who mean a lot to you, you give your attention. If they are below you, have you mentored them rightly? 7) Discoveries: Everyday you should have discoveries; Self discovery Discovery on your job Discovery on your environment Discovery of people around you The greatest sermon preached back in the days, was repentance. Repentance means a change in thinking. Are you ready to improve? Are you ready to leave this level for a better level? Are you making plans for increase and progress? I pray for you this morning, that the Lord will strengthen you to think creativity; the holy spirit will guard your thoughts and results in the name of Jesus. Youll excel and prosper in life; this is your month of brighter light. The Lord will provide for your every need. I prophecy increase and surplus in your life; you think productively. God is for you and nothing can be against you; youd find favour with God and men. Amen!
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 07:05:03 +0000

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