PERFECT OR PERMISSIVE? Samson had a covenant with God not to - TopicsExpress


PERFECT OR PERMISSIVE? Samson had a covenant with God not to inter-mingle with unbelievers in marriage but he blatantly ignored Gods directive and slept on Delilahs lap, this led to his utmost destruction. Solomon knew clearly that marrying the daughters of Pharaoh was against Gods will for him but he disobeyed and he ended up a wretch. Check out that relationship, are you not there because that person seems good to your eye? Remember, that thing you look at now may not look good in another year to come. Only the one in Gods plan can stand even the test of time. 4. Satanic/Demonic Will Powers of darkness can super-impose their own will on human beings in order to fulfil satanic mandate or try to frustrate Gods plan for that individual. Brothers and sisters with a call of God must be careful at this junction. You need to pray, hear from Him and be convinced that youre heading the right path in marriage. The devil can orchestrate his will for an individual, at the junction of choosing a partner so that such will not fulfil Gods will. Now, knowing Gods will in marriage is as simple as A,B,C. Yes, Ill tell you how! First, the person must be a born again Christian, who is actively desiring Gods perfect will in his/her life. Secondly, God delights in fellowship and not just ATM card users approach/fire-brigade style. You must get close to God out of love for Him and not just to get Him to give you miracles. God desires children who will know and obey Him in every aspect of their lives. You should not just start becoming spiritual because you want Him to give you His perfect will in marriage, career, fruit of the womb etc. Patiently seek God, befriend him and one day even without asking He will surely reveal intimate details about your life to you. I am a testimony by His grace and mercies. The secrets of God are with those who fear him. Psalm 25:14. God cannot do anything without revealing it to His prophets (children, lovers and friends in the secret place of prayer) How do you know God more/better? 1. Read your bible, and pray everyday if you want to grow (just like the common song were taught in when were young). Abandon any sin that may stand to block your access to God. 2. Fellowship and learn to follow Gods leading/direction in ordinary day-to-day activities of your life. Instead of just banging into his presence because you want a wife/husband, job, baby, house, healing, prosperity etc. Right now, follow Him daily. When you begin to follow Gods leading on a daily basis, it would become very easy for you to know His mind concerning major decisions of your life. 3. Another thing is your approach in the place of prayer, “God, here’s the person I want to marry. Will You bless us?” One approach puts God at the center while the other puts yourselves at the center. When you make choices independent of God and then ask for His blessing, you’re asking God to approve an idea that originated with you, not Him - Permissive. 4. Patience: Have patience, persevere in the place of prayer. Do not be in a rush, know that for every delay, there is a reason and sometimes God gives a little delay so as to save you from a big problem ahead which you cannot see. I know it is not easy, yes I know but you can ask for the strength to wait on Him. 5. At the point of waiting, every one you meet looks like a potential partner especially the good and godly ones. Be careful not to ask several ladies hand for marriage because youre looking for the right one. Let God lead you, wait till He ask you to propose or accept involving your spiritual leader (I mean a spiritual leader whose life is in sync with the Word of God). Gods perfect will would never take you to a place where His Grace wont keep you be it in marriage, location or work .You are always where you are for a purpose and that is what you should find out and run with because his Grace is ever sufficient for the delivery of that Purpose. My beloved, take heed so you wont settle for His permissive will or your self will! God still gives His children His perfect will.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 14:34:33 +0000

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