PERSISTENCE AND DETERMINATION All great achievements require time, rugged persistence and sheer determinations for it to see through the light of the day at any rate. Rome as it is commonly said was not built in a day. By rugged persistence and sheer determinations, you may found out that the last key on the ring may be the one that will eventually unlock the door. Your ability to hang on one more seconds than your other contemporaries and competitors; may be the much-needed turn-around tonic to make you emerged victorious as the eventual winner in the keenly contested competition of life. So many people had opportunities throng at them easily and unsolicited for but let them slipped off their fingers like a pack of card through procrastination and laziness. Many people are still in the league of failures in life because they erroneously hold on to the belief that if you do not succeed in a task; then you should move ahead to try to do something else. My dear friends, success elude those people that think like this vehemently because the dreams that usually scale through in life belong to those people that stuck-up to their initial God-given dreams/goals through persistence and rugged determinations no matter what the storms of life presented to them. They are people who are of the school of thought that people who refused to either get discouraged easily or allow little disappointments get at them are the ones with the upper hands over their contemporaries and of course the “Victors of life”. Their attitudes are mostly to allow those challenges spurred them on to greater heights ahead of matter what! The attitudes in question extend to the way you relate with your work in your chosen career or studies. One obvious bad thing in Nigeria for instance is the continuous falling of the standard of education in the country. This can be measured with the performance of our students in the external examinations and the quality of graduates that we turned out from our Higher Institutions into the labour market daily. Most of our students are not determined to burn the midnight oil again and make themselves an authority that must be reckoned with in their chosen field of career. People will judge you by what you finished with and not how you start the process of achieving that feat. As students, you have been silently putting in your best but you do not see the results immediately…keep on keeping on. Our God does not pay by the week but be rest assured that He would surely pay and exalt you at the most appropriate time, place and venue because He keeps good and adequate record of every activities of man…even to the bearest minimum of them. The reward for those that persevere exceeds the pain that must precede the victory. God actually rewards your faithfulness of doing His Will and not the success that you are aspiring for. A survey reveals that over ninety percent of all failures in life results from people quitting just too early – when their success is just lurking and knocking at the corner of their success. It takes the hammer of persistence and determination to drive-in completely the nails of success of life! The lowest ebb in life is usually the point at which there is the turn of the tide. Opportunities can always be uncovered by applying persistence and rugged determination to possibilities of life. My dear friends, the true meaning of success is simply to persevere and follow through with rugged determination and a “STRONG WILL” to excel in your chosen field of career in life! The Power to hold on inspite of ALL the challenges confronting you is the “Winner’s Attitude” which must always be in you and displayed at ALL TIMES! …usually, to endure a situation is greater than to dare that same situation. So, choose wisely Friends and welcome to the Month of April! Thank you,
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 09:21:20 +0000

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