PLAN C – “OUR SPARK IS AWAY”: For the marriage in - TopicsExpress


PLAN C – “OUR SPARK IS AWAY”: For the marriage in trouble To dream together as a couple, can bring back the spark in your marriage. It will help you to stay focused on what is equally important to both of you and it can keep you motivated in the most difficult times. Maybe you lost your joy somewhere along the road and your only goal now is to get through the day without a fight. Try to remember the plans and dreams that you had as young people. Maybe you wanted to travel together, but now that you have the money, you don’t feel like sitting together on an plane for 10 hours. What happened in the meantime? If you have already fulfilled your dreams or re- alised that your dream is unattainable, take a decision today to focus on something new, even if it is the most basic dream . . . Don’t know where to start? Imagine you are reading a book about your life. What will be the most exciting story? Which characteristics and life experiences are in your story presently? It will help you to get direction. After today the marriage course is completed and you will need an anchor to keep your relationship on track (God), but you also need the wind in your sails to move forward . . . this motivation can be in the form of a dream, a vision for your marriage and what you hope it will be . . .
Posted on: Sat, 07 Sep 2013 10:55:36 +0000

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