PLEASE CALL YOUR SENATORS IMMEDIATELY AND URGE THEM TO VOTE “NO” ON: Cornyn RESULTS, Lee 1208, Paul 1200 and Cruz 1320! U.S. Capitol Switchboard—202-224-3121 Script: “Hi my name is [YOUR NAME] from [CITY]. I urge Senate [SENATOR NAME] to vote NO on Amendments: Cornyn RESULTS, Lee 1208, Paul 1200 and Cruz 1320.” Optional additional points Cornyn RESULTS: The amendment is not necessary. S.744 already includes the three provisions defined as additional triggers in the amendment and making these components into triggers could delay legalization and integration indefinitely. The amendment would stop legalization and leave millions in limbo status. An important element of legalization is to encourage millions of people to come out of the shadows and register with the government. We are strengthened as a country by identifying who is here, requiring them to pay fines and taxes, and ensuring background checks are done. Unless immigration reform can offer a clear and reliable plan for legalization, many people may be afraid to participate. The amendment undermines the American value that people deserve a second chance. Aspiring Americans would be arbitrarily barred from legalization based only on a single misdemeanor, regardless of whether they have family in the U.S. or whether they pose any threat to public safety. Lee 1208: · Lee amendment 1208 strikes at the core of the immigration bill, and hinges immigration reform on the ability of Congress to agree at a later date. The Lee amendment has the potential not only to delay reform but to halt it indefinitely. Requiring both Chambers of Congress to act within 30 days is a tall order. · S.744 requires that DHS submit a certification to Congress that a border security plan and a fencing plan have been implemented before RPI applications can be processed. The base bill also requires that the fencing and border security plans, the mandatory e-verify system, and the electronic exit system at air and seaports all be implemented before any RPI can adjust status. Senator Lee’s amendment 1208 requires that Congress approve all of the above steps before the RPI application process or the adjustment of status for RPIs may commence. Congress must vote within 30 days of the Secretary’s certification by a majority whether to approve the Secretary’s actions and, if Congress votes to approve, the President must sign on before legalization can move forward. Paul 1200: · The amendment mandates a yearly trigger in the form of a joint resolution of Congress that must be met for continuing to process RPI applications. · Unreasonable triggers compromise our national security. An important element of legalization is to encourage millions of people to come out of the shadows and register with the government. We are strengthened as a country by identifying who is here, requiring them to pay fines and taxes, and ensuring background checks are done. Unless immigration reform can offer a clear and reliable plan for legalization, many people may be afraid to participate. · Under the Paul amendments, individuals who have complied with all the requirements of the bill would be left in uncertainty year after year waiting to see if Congress can pass a joint resolution that would allow their applications to be processed. Cruz 1320: · Cruz 1320 imposes unreasonable legalization triggers, such as 100% operational control over the entire border as a trigger for RPI registration. Border security is a serious issue, but throwing money at the border through tripling Border Patrol, quadrupling equipment, and completing double-layered fencing is not the solution.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 01:38:53 +0000

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