PLEASE PEOPLE ADOPT AND DONT BREED YOUR DOG IF YOU DONT KNOW HOW TO!!!! The HSUS estimates that animal shelters care for 6-8 million dogs and cats every year in the United States, of whom approximately 3-4 million are euthanized. I usually adopt from the humane society but this time it was different. When I got my little Molly she was the biggest of her litter...she had 2 sisters and 1 brother...the sisters were sold right away but little Funes was left alone and they said if he didnt get sold in a couple of days they were going to take him to the pound!!!!!!!!!!Why would you breed your dog and then put the pups in the pound!!!!Thats EVIL!!! I posted pictures and tried to help get him a home on Facebook, craigslist, and more...thing is I ended up having to buy him because this people just didnt wanna wait anymore and they wouldnt just give him away either...but I paid less than the original asking price AT LEAST...but i still paid TOO much...and they are lucky I didnt report them to animal control YET...thing is today...I see them and theyre like aww can I see Funes? and Im like yeah sure! and they start walking away with him and trying to extort more money out of us...I got little Funes back, thank god, before they started freaking out and taking pictures of my license plate...WHAAAAAAT???!!! I saved the whole conversation on text msg with them with the proof that they are paid up...and plus all the other things they said about sending him to the pound are there too...I BETTER NOT FIND OUT THEY BREED THEIR DOG ANYMORE!!!!! When I got him he smelled terrible, was malnourished and was obvious he was traumatized...I found out they kept him in a kennel all day and night!!!! I am so happy my 3 dogs have such an amazing life!!!!They are never alone (without me or Ryan)EVER and I can go on and on about the great life they have!like their own closet, toy box, etc, etc...
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 15:34:52 +0000

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