PLEASE READ !!!!!! DSBN & REBSTOCK RD SCHOOL LOCATON ON JUNE 21 AGENDA!! The merry go round may be gone form Crystal Beach for quite some time now but it has really just moved to 1 Municipal Drive when it comes to the proposed site for a new public school in Ward 4, with no thanks to the DSBN and its Elected trustee DAVID SCHAUBEL. I am urging all of you to e-mail ALL of council BEFORE SUNDAY JULY 20TH , to express your displeasure in giving away any piece of these designated Recreational Lands at the Rebstock Rd location and your displeasure in once again possibly re-considering opening negotiations against the wishes of those who so graciously donated said lands for such purpose, AND those currently in the community utilizing current facilities that are also against this. Council needs to hear from you to make their decision easy and be assured that this is NOT your wish for this to happen ! Obviously given the fact Council originally voted to give away the lands and then after the fact and because of the advocacy spearheaded by Lesley Burrison and armed with the support of more than 300 residents in Wards 4 & 5, council made a great decision and moved to rescind that motion and keep the lands as per the original intent. HOWEVER….. Following that decision , in an article published on June 28th, good old Mr. David Schaubel once again had the audacity to say “A new school on Rebstock is still an option and further “The board (DSBN) is proceeding very positively with the belief that we can still partner with the Town of Fort Erie and work on an agreement with the Rebstock site,” Schaubel said. Translation, We, the DSBN heard what you the taxpayers and users for the facility had to say and we don’t care about you and your wishes! The arrogance of the DSBN is unreal! They heard the people’s wishes and thumbed their noses at them! This is also DAVID SCHAUBEL, YOUR ELECTED TRUSTEE, who apparently no longer wants to be an elected official saying this. Not only did he go against your wishes he actually stooped as low to actually start to use scare tactics to try and intimidate council in the media saying that “One of the factors the government takes into consideration is whether there is a partnership between the school board and the municipality and without that model of partnership, we just become another board in Ontario vying for the same funds for renovations and new builds” WHAT HE DOESN’T SAY is that there is no reason a partnership could exist at a different proposed site, which there certainly can be ! But he doesn’t want to tell you that, and that there are many boards across Ontario that do not have partnerships with their municipality that still get funding for new schools. The members of the RCB Kinsmen during that time have also expressed their displeasure at this attempted hijacking of lands. I too am a Life Member of Kin Canada and past member of the RCB Club, and I am appalled that the DSBN would try this I am hopeful that council sticks to their guns and respects those who ame before them and the agreement made via resolution May 23rd,1972 at the 18th meeting of Council made by Faizza/Opatovsky on May 23rd, 1972 during the 18th meeting of Council, but also sticks to their own decision made just a few short weeks ago, and does not get drawn in by the scare tactics or DAVID SCHAUBEL and the DSBN AND ARC Further to that and as reported by Mr. Ed Feiertag a member of the Ridgeway Lions and long-time well respected Community servant also noted when he addressed council that The Ridgeway Lions who partnered with the RCB Kinsmen in a joint project to build the West End Recreation Centre, now known as Crystal Ridge Arena , voted UNAMIOUSLY to keep this land recreational and to not give ANY of it to the DSBN. As if that isn’t enough reason to be against giving away vital lands, a recent approved development right down the road despite not having any greens pace as it was noted that there was plenty of green space right down the road at the Resbtock Rd location. What happens to that development if that green space is given away? Does council go back to the developer and then say, sorry green space is now gone and you gotta do a whole new site plan for us to approve again, and oh by the way the cost of that is all on you! How do you think that developer will feel and others watching Fort Erie already ? There is so much more to this, but I have gone on long enough. I urge ALL of you to email every member of council thru the link below and be straight up and tell them you DO NOT SUPPORT THIS, KEEP OUT LANDS !!! I thank you for your time and thank you even more for letting members of council know your feelings on this issue Follow the link and when you arrive go to bottom of page nad select Send Message and then make sure in the screen that opens for you to click Yes in the box that says Send to all council members
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 03:05:37 +0000

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