PLEASE READ: Testimony of Robert North to inspire and encourage - TopicsExpress


PLEASE READ: Testimony of Robert North to inspire and encourage regarding Christ Jesus: As a young boy I believed in Jesus thru learning from teachings in Sunday School. Sometime during elementary school I let myself get distracted away. Then, for many years I had wrestled with worldly trappings and substances, then with faith, and questioned who God really is without looking again into the Bible, His written Word. It was like I was wandering and sometimes bouncing thru life without a firm belief and purpose, even though I was schooled, worked jobs, and was an avid surfer, along with my younger brother, experiencing Gods wonderful creation. I did many things; some were wonderful..., some were terrible and brought regret, yet the Lord was always near, gently calling to my heart, as He may be calling to you, even now! Rebelious, I became a teenage father and floundered in the relationship with the mother less than two years into my daughters life. I was heartbroken, not getting much visitation time, yet carried on with my part of support until my workplace was closed and Hawaii beckoned. Eventually some of the fellows that I regularly went surfing with in Hawaii were also called and challenged by God and some had already put their belief in Jesus. Thru the Bible, Gods Word, some shared about their faith with me and the desire to surf for the Lord, which was a distant yet tangible suggestion, only distant because of my stubborness to keepdoing-it-on-my-own(pride). In time, when I accepted Jesus as Lord of my life, He became the start of an ongoing process of healing and change which continues ever since! Jesus changes me continually daily and though I make mistakes still and I fall short of the mark that God would desire(sin), Ive learned to change my mind and re-set my course towards God(repent), then humbly ask God for His forgiveness thru Christ. He is Faithful to forgive.... ! As passengers in a terribly grisly car wreck in 1985, my beloved fiance Suzanne passed and I,by the Grace of God, surviving three re-suscitations from flat-line death, comatose for more than one month and an out-of-body with visitation experience, countless pass outs from pain, six months of surgeries, some healing, then learning to walk, talk, and everything else all over again, was released from the hospital to continue recovering and came back to the beautiful North Shore of Oahu where I live now. My faith in God thru Jesus along with countless prayers from others sustaining and restoring me thru all; While I heal and make new effort to know Him better through His Word, studying the Bible, in worship and prayer, and in fellowship with believers, that I might know His will for my life daily and share the awesome Love that God has for us all with others ! When God, thru Christ, opened the heart of my daughter towards me, He began a wonderful restoration that is allowing beautiful fellowship between us, her loving husband, and her wonderful children, a gift from God; with God, thru Jesus, focused in the center. Though we may be miles apart, the Love of Jesus helps us to share our Love, and lives, in a special way with each other that I consider miraculous. The best is yet to come; onward into the future ! With enduring many recent challenges in & out of the hospital, it is through the thoughts and prayers of intercession that I credit grace of God in Christ for allowing me extended time here on earth. As I heal, may I spread the Good News and Love that God thru our Lord Jesus gladly blesses us with, if we are willing to accept Him, with increasing vigor and confirmation. Thanks also to the beloved supporting Body of Christ family here on earth, as I urge you all to believe in God and let the Lord Jesus Christ drive your Car(or Bike) of Life, and then BUCKLE-UP and HOLD-ON for the Ride of YOUR LIFE !!! I pray that you also receive His Wonderful blessings ! Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will light the path. Proverbs 3:5-6 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16 So they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household. Acts 16:31 MAHALO and ALOHA !
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 03:02:10 +0000

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