PLEASE RESHARE--ADDED INFORMATION AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS POST AND AFTER THE PAROLE HEARING TODAY....Tonight I am asking each and every one of you to share this with your friends and family if you havent already, I am asking each and every one of you to imagine YOUR child or loved one in a wreckage like this, and I am asking each and every one of you to imagine the injuries sustained to Brandon. I will not go into any detail on Brandons injuries from the photos you will understand. Most of you know Brandons story, some dont. Brandon had just turned 17 years old he was a student who was involved in the Registered Apprenticeship program, this program involved the student taking core courses and then working for school credits and wage in their chosen field of employment, his dream was to become a mechanic and open his own performance shop, he was well on his way to achieving this dream....he was coming home to Cochrane from his job in Calgary at 6 pm on a Thursday night on December 6th, he called me before he left work at 5:10 pm as he did every night from the parking lot, I told him I loved him and to drive safe, as I did every night, and he told me the same thing he did every night, he said I love you to mom, I always drive safe....the last words I ever heard my son say when Brandon was late coming home and I hadnt heard from him I started calling him, thousands of times, he never answered I kept telling myself to stop being silly that he was ok and just got sidetracked, even though I knew this was something Brandon would never do as he knew how much I worried about him...A knock on the door, at 7:50 pm, that was when time stopped as we knew it....the police men with tears in there eyes, I remember screaming and the disbelief and horror that this had happened to Brandon to my family. Brandon was not ever coming home again I asked and begged them to tell me it wasnt true, they handed me his wallet I fell to my knees screaming and crying for the life of my child, my daughter running in the door after she had been called to come home..screaming no I need my brother here, I need him here...Every parents worst nightmare, and one I still exist with everyday that Brandon does not come home. Brandon was the 3rd vehicle in line, a drunk driver was travelling down the wrong side of the highway, the drunk driver had passed two semis and after passing never attempted to get back into his own lane, and drove down the wrong side of the highway for over 3/4 of a mile after he passed the semis, the first vehicle in line had time to see the drunk driver coming, he was able to avoid any collision, the next vehicle had less time to react and was hit and rolled in the ditch, the next vehicle was Brandon who had no time to react, as was quoted in one of many court dates, given no chance of survival, he was hit head on and killed. Most of you know when help got to the scene Brandon was alive, he was breathing and blinking, but not talking and no signs of acknowledging anyone, but he was alive....imagine the last hour of his life while he hung on to the life he loved so much, while he kept struggling to live in spite of his horrific injuries while he was just trying to get home for supper at 6 pm on a Thursday night. Imagine his confusion and disbelief and terror as he waited trapped in that mangled car for help. Finally able to hold on no longer he took his last breath and passed away before they could free him I am asking each and every one of you to please share this. The impaired driver received a sentence of 2.8 years (and has appealed this sentence) the appeal date was October 21st 2014, after hearing the defense and the prosecution, they reserved their judgement, they will do 1 of 2 things, they will either decrease his sentence to 2 years or they will uphold his sentence of 2.8 years, we will hear in 1 to 3 months but the drunk driver is ELIGIBLE FOR PAROLE AFTER SERVING 6 MONTHS. He went to jail in May 2014 and was granted day parole today (November 6th 2014, after serving 5 3/4 months), he is free to come and go during the day, to do as he pleases and return in the evening to sleep overnight in a halfway house in the community, he can received overnight passes and weekend passes any time he requests them:( he will not miss a Christmas with his family...this will be our 3rd year without Brandon, and another year we have no tree, no gifts, no laughter and no will to celebrate without him, we have no Brandon. Only tears for all that Brandon is missing and all we are missing without him This is another injustice done to our family and to many families by the current justice system. This is not a fit punishment in my eyes for taking the life of my 17 year old son, or for taking the life of any innocent person, would this be a fit punishment for taking your child or loved ones life? 2.8 YEAR SENTENCE ONLY 6 MONTHS. Brandon can not appeal the sentence he was given nor can he ask for and receive parole, how I wish he could...we could I do not seek an eye for an eye, nor did I, I do not seek vengeance nor have I ever... I ask and asked for accountability through the justice system for taking an innocent life and I sought and seek a consequence for those actions. Our Criminal Code of Canada states that justice in the eyes of the law is 14-20 year maximum sentence, where is justice? I know we all have strong opinions and I thank you for all those opinions. I have however decided I do need to REMOVE any comments that could be considered threatening or vengeful. I am asking for you to ask for stiffer sentencing within the court system, a more fitting punishment for this crime than a 2-4 year range with only 1/6 of that sentence served. Released after serving 6 months for taking 60+ years from Brandon. This is a typical sentence for this type of crime, I am seeking to change the typical sentence, not seeking a life for a life or an eye for an eye. I write your local government official....local MP and MLA, write to Peter MacKay, the Canadian Justice Minister (email [email protected]) and Stephen Harper, if we dont speak out nothing will change, ask for change for all Canadians and to help reduce the risk that a fatality such as this could happen to your family. Please ask for a stronger deterrent for the crime, ask for a minimum mandatory sentence to anyone convicted of impaired driving causing death and a consequence for the choice of Impaired Driving Causing Death, ask for a change in the laws. This is a Canada wide issue and each of your letters could make a difference for other innocent victims and families. If you live in Canada please please write and speak out against impaired driving and ask for a change in our laws and a change to sentencing (minimum mandatory sentencing). I never want this to be another innocent victims story or another families story. I can not comment on anyones shared status but I do get to see some of them, to those that comment on others status and I can not thank you personally and comment on those status but please know I do thank you for your support, and for taking the time to read and comment and to share in the disbelief of our current laws regarding impaired driving which causes death. We thank you for sharing, reading, taking the time to share your stories and for commenting on Brandons page, and for writing letters, and for caring. Most Canadians do not realize what happens within the legal system until they are forced into it by someone who chooses to make this horrific choice and kills someone. I think we all have a right to know, this is why I speak out. We thank you with our broken hearts Thank you I am asking everyone to reshare this please!!!! I am adding a way that you can ALL help. When I first posted these pictures of Brandons story and our story I had no idea so many people would view this post and CARE...and send so many beautiful messages. I had no idea that 632,576 (to date) people would view this....PLEASE...everyone....a petition that was started by a family who lost their daughter to an impaired driver started and worked very hard to legalize a petition to be submitted to the Federal Government on behalf of seeking minimum mandatory sentencing for all victims of impaired drivers and all victims families. I support this petition, Kayla and I along with so many other families believe in making a change for ALL of you. We can not change the outcome for our loved ones and our family anymore but we can change things for you....the organization is Families For Justice. The stories of some of our Angels and the petition can be found at bradkolethad. PLEASE PRINT OUT A COPY, SIGN IT (in blue or black ink, any age can sign we are requesting only 14 years and up please, complete all blanks on the line you are signing) ASK 4 OF YOUR FRIENDS TO SIGN IT AND SEND IT TO THE ADDRESS ON THE 3RD PAGE, if 632, 576 people ask 4 friends or families to sign this I truly believe the laws could be can also find the petition in the drop box here on facebook on the page Families For Justice, with a red maple a legacy to all our loved ones who have lost their life because of a choice someone else made to drink and drive...and as a way to help reduce the risk this could happen to your loved one, your child, your family member, or friend....THANK YOU...I know you all care, you have shown us that in so many ways on Brandons page and we thank you. I will not receive your signed pages but the organization will but when the laws are changed because all of you were a part of it, I will know you all helped change it for everyone.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 20:29:49 +0000

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