PLEASE, SEE THIS EVENT IN PARIS FOR WHAT IT WAS… A HARBINGER, AN ALARM, A GIANT WARNING… TELLING YOU YOU ARE NO LONGER IN KANSAS ANYMORE… I am saying that to the French, to all the other Europeans, to Americans, and to ANYONE anywhere that this internet post finds its way to. It makes NO DIFFERENCE where you are. You are NOT in Kansas anymore, so just forget clicking your heals three times to magically transport you home. My suggestion is if you find yourself wearing heals right now, you’re in deep @#$%!!!! You better find an old pair of Air Jordan’s and START RUNNING! WHY? BECAUSE THE GLOBAL ELITE ARE NOT EVEN MAKING A HALF-ASS EFFORT TO SELL A BELIEVABLE LIE ANYMORE. NONE OF THEM ARE! Consider for a moment that it was Jack Lindblad, the GREEN PARTY California Senate Candidate, who came out PUBLICLY and called Paris a FALSE FLAG. Whats next? Dogs and Cats living together? Hell freezing over? This is SUCH an OBVIOUS and over the top FALSE FLAG it is sickening. Even worse, media elite are still ACTING like it was actually a terrorist attack… ITS UNREAL! It was a terrorist attack alright, but not the B.S. the media is shoveling. This was SUCH a bad job, even with my schedule and how little media I get, I picked up on it INSTANTLY! Do I care what lies the French tell their people? No. I dont care what truths they tell them either. Heck, I dont care about the damn French, P-E-R-I-O-D! What I care about is the pattern I am seeing… At the moment I am EXTREMELY BUSY. I work my day job from 8am-6pm on average, then I have another commitment I come and work on from 7pm-2am most days, and my weekends are spoken for to the tune of 12-15 hour days… and I still manage to post to this blog, so you can imagine how VERY little sleep I get. VERY LITTLE! I say that only to make the point that I have seen about 30 seconds (literally) of television news coverage in about three weeks. I’m not even sure what channel the TV was on, or who was reporting when I saw coverage about Paris, but guess what??? You know what I thought for a brief second right after I saw a snippet of TV coverage about Paris? I thought, “Wow, 40 world leaders in one place at the drop of a dime like that? So quick after the event? And no one thinks that smells fishy?” Then I never gave it another thought. I have too much to do, and there is too much going on here in the states I want to write about that Paris wasnt high on my priority list. A day or so later, with a step back, Im still ignoring Paris, and I urge you to also. SEE THE BIGGER PICTURE! I am hard pressed to find one thing the Paris Attack that makes me think the attack was an actual legitimate terrorist attack. Forget about Fringe Conspiracy Theory, I cant find a fringe of anything to suggest the story we are being fed is real. Which is worse? Our elected officials thinking we are as dumb as mules so they dont even bother to put any thought into their lies anymore, or the fact that the overwhelmning majorities still will believe whatever you tell them. BREAKING NEWS: SMURFS ATTACK PARIS TODAY… If it was on the news, the sheeple will believe it. WOW. For anyone AWAKE, I imagine you find this as alarming as I do. READ ON! CRAZY!!!!!
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 19:00:00 +0000

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