PLEASE SHARE!!! Today is Stephen and my anniversary of two - TopicsExpress


PLEASE SHARE!!! Today is Stephen and my anniversary of two years. We went to lunch at Outback, went to party city, riding the motorcycle. On the way home, we are stopped at the red light at wheeler rd & frontage rd. As we are sitting there, were talking as we usually do when stopped. We are the first ones at the light by the way. All of a sudden, I hear brakes lock up and the loud squeeling of tires. All I could do was wrap my arms around his waist and prepare for the impact. Then we see a cloud of smoke followed by the car that has slid into the turn lane. Of course now, I realize we arent dead nor have we been hit...Thank you God! Now, WHY am I asking you to share this? Well, because as we pull off from the light I look over my shoulder and see the vehicle is behind us, they simply were NOT paying attention! This has nothing to do with the fact that we were on a motorcycle. This could have been your mom, dad, brother, sister, daughter or son, in their vehicle at this light. And had this person NOT looked up when they did, theres no telling how far down the road wed have been pushed. Theres no doubt it would NOT have turned out well for Stephen and I. And on our two year anniversary at that. After pulling away at the light, with this vehicle behind us, we pull into the gas station. Did they pull in to say Im sorry, are you ok? Nope! I know we were not hit, but had that been me that came that close to hitting someone, even if they were in a car, if I saw them pull into a gas station, Id check to see if they were ok. Sorry, back to the please share...facebook is a powerful thing, most everyone has it. Im hoping this will be shared and the person that was driving gets this message...PAY ATTENTION! GET OFF YOUR CELL PHONE! You could have very easily, and came pretty dang close TODAY to killing two people that were stopped at a red light, enjoying their ride and celebrating their anniversary. We have three beautiful daughters that you wouldve taken us away from, our parents would have lost their children. All because YOUR cell phone was more important. Next time youre driving and you go to mess with your phone, remember us, the couple you nearly plowed down...maybe then youll decide to just leave your phone it really worth it?
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 18:40:16 +0000

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