PLEASE SIGN & SHARE WIDELY THESE ➨ 2 VIP PETITIONS ► ► ✦Illegally trapped and Kidnapped,these terrified monkeys are breathtakingly and torn from their families and their natural habitat in the island of Mauritius ! (Btw also in Indonesia and Southeast Asia Cambodia !) enclosed in netting bags sold for less than US-50$ before being taken to British & US Vivisection laboratories,through traders who sold them again but this time for US-3000$ and where they will be criminally tortured and killed slowly..slowly by cruel experimenting ! ➨PLEASE WATCH HOW THE MONKEYS ARE TRAPPED TO BE SOLD TO LABS OF TORTURE & HORROR WITH THE DEATH AS RESULT ! (on my Youtube Channel)▬► ➨ PLEASE WATCH ABSOLUTELY THIS VIDEO OF MONKEYS TRAPPED IN INDONESIA FOR THE LABS OF TORTURE! Harrowing footage obtained by the BUAV investigators in Yogyakarta shows terrified monkeys ripped from their jungle homes and families. The animals were trapped in netting, roughly handled and bundled into sacks before being forced into transit crates. The monkeys were bewildered and can be seen on film frantically trying to escape their captivity; some injuring themselves in the process. The call comes following shocking secret video footage of the capture of hundreds of wild macaques, and other monkeys seen openly for sale at markets by a company that exports nonhuman primates to the international research industry. In addition to the cruel and brutal treatment of these animals, the international and domestic trade of the long-tailed macaque in Indonesia is raising concerns about the survival of the species. ► ➨ PLEASE WATCH ALSO THIS VIDEO "Cruel Mauritius monkey trade in Mauritius" The BUAV exposes the terrible plight of the monkeys on Mauritius, exported around the world for the international research this video The BUAV investigation has uncovered the appalling slaughter of hundreds of monkeys at the Noveprim primate breeding farm in Mauritius. Shocking images show discarded dead monkeys stacked in piles on the floor or dumped in bins like garbage. Other images show mutilated bodies in a skip awaiting incineration ►https://youtube/watch?v=TIvLU4P_vg4&list=PLbqNSUR_JBxYMnXaJSjuHpIHvto47d1FI ✦MORE INFOS HERE: ▬▬►https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=516157841771357&set=pb.511781928875615.-2207520000.1377547584. ✦AND ON THIS FACEBOOK PAGE :https://facebook/SaveOurMonkeys (PLEASE "LIKED") ✦✦PLEASE NOTE THIS VIP INFO:One of the most important actions to do in this area for a total blockage .. is to cut the supply of these primates to laboratories of torture by asking the airlines to stop flying those innocent animals originally kidnapped from the wild or/ and breed in labs ! ✦SO PLEASE TAKE NOW YOUR PLEDGE AND SIGN ALSO THESE VIP PETITIONS AGAINST THE REMAINING MAJOR AIRLINES WHO ARE TRANSPORTING PRIMATES TO THE LABS OF DEATH: *AIR FRANCE-KLM AND *CHINA SOUTHERN AIRLINES ✦FOR AIR FRANCE-KLM HERE: ▬▬►https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=518371581549983&set=pb.511781928875615.-2207520000.1377534939. ✦FOR CHINA SOUTHERN AIRLINES HERE: ▬▬►https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=532420103478464&set=pb.511781928875615.-2207520000.1377534662. ✦Please spread these infos & petitions and share this page: ▬►https://facebook/StopAnimalTestingVivisectionTz Thank you ~Tony Zadel, Copyright(©) —
Posted on: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 09:28:38 +0000

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