PLEASE VOTE NOV. 4, IL THIS IS WERE WE NEED A MAJOR CHANGE, remember, Senators serve 6 year terms, not the same as Congressional Rep., who run every 2 years, and spend 3 years out of the 2 years Whoring, pardon me, fund raising, that is not a typo, just makin a point, we all need to look at our situation in IL and ask what have you done for us lately, not much, we have 5.25 BILLION that is due to creditors today, this is money we dont have due to many businesses that need to meet payrolls and pay for Obama Care, I heard this tonite on WTTW Ch. 11, great TV, check the replay of Chicago Tonite, today they had the candidates for State Comptroller, Sheila Simon, [D-Lt.Gov.], appx. 6 mos after she & Quinn won, she decided to run for Comptroller, and she hasnt been back to work since, if you can call the Lt. Gov. job work, she stated in cutting the wasted spending in IL, her staff has been REDUCED to 16 people, for what, when asked what the current debt is, Simons response was, a lot, don;t know the number, but its a lot, Topinka [R-State Comptroller], knew the number because as the current office holder, she writes the checks to pay the bills when and if we have any funding, which aint very often these days, its alarming that the Lt. Gov. does not know how much debt the state has and no funds to pay its bills, it is also very alarming the after 40 some years of riding the political gravy train, Judy draws a pension, appx. 500,000 a year, holds the current State Comptrollers office, [for those that apply, she signs your pre-need charter, check it out], also sits on the PACE or RTA board, 85,000 @ yr., enough already, we need an effective Independent Party in IL, until then it will be more and more of the same old Ponzi Scheme, with choices as these 2 its that much more important to vote, this erosion of the function of the state will only continue, but a no vote is a vote of confidence for the same old Whores, PLEASE VOTE, NOV. 4, either you vote or find someone to run, this is how it can change, W A M L / JV
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 05:27:57 +0000

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