POLITICAL IMMATURITY @ DISPLAY!!! If politics were to be played - TopicsExpress


POLITICAL IMMATURITY @ DISPLAY!!! If politics were to be played with what i saw yesterday, then i resolve to say that the fear of ZEAL is the begining of leadership failure, when will LADOKITES stands up to its mandate and correct the mistakes its made during the last year election by electing an incompetent leader popularly known as SCHOOL BOY 1?? Perhaps, ZEAL is set to be the SCHOOL BOY 2 which i dont think any one would frontally opposed me on that. The greatest mistake that LADOKITES would make is to give their mandate to an individual who does not believe in the government of the people, by the people and for the people but only on a selfish interest to inflict hardship on students and exploit them through sundry means, i ask, what differ between AREXZIE and ZEAL when the same pot made them ? BEPO would have been a better choice but their selfish interest and visionless schizophenia fails their memory to make a better choice. No wonder they had three consecutive pronouncement over zeal and bepo, Their political idealogy just many have observed did not have a strong team to better the welfarism of ladokites most especially at this present time that we need a very vibrant, technocrat, intellectual, radical leadership to curtail the series of abnormalities in our unionism. The political immaturity displayed by COM ZEAL yesternyte which brought an end to the organised tutorial of chm 222 is a shameful act that speaks volume high of his incompetency as a leader, his way of politicking is accustom to a wishy washy quasi sentimentalist by saying that, this is my home, these are my people, does it mean that he want to become the leader of biology students alone? Or other contestants should not be allowed to campaign in his aclaimed domain? ZEAL inciting comments to waylaid HONOURABLE SOLACE and his entourage while campaigning to the biology students is a show of mimickery in the theatre of comedy, is he trying to outshine SOLACE or what ?? Articulate ladokites, let fan the embers of disunity among every one because we are all one under the umbrella of LAUTECH. I appreciate the fact that passions are running high but we can make our points without hauling insults or heating the polity. Remember, the ones who claims the voltrons of their faculty, department are actually the worst bigots. The present VP NIKKY came from biology, but what has she done to represent your constituency rather than personal satisfaction, enjoyment galore, beauty contest on campus and other refreshment joint with her cohorts. Dont forget that the health week was occasioned by frivolities and campaign ground for Apc aspirants 9ice it is imperative to remember that history will never forget those who make effort to turns things around. So, vote wisely for we can not afford to make a mistake anymore... Indeed, I.D ALUTA dogged representation will forever live in fame !!!!! LAUTECH MOUTHPIECE
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 10:28:03 +0000

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